
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

A.9 Major functional changes in 08-50

Organization of this subsection

(1) Facilitating system implementation and creation

The table below outlines the changes made to facilitate system implementation and creation.

Table A‒27: Changes made to facilitate system implementation and creation


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Changing the tags in web.xml for Web service providers

The listener, servlet, and servlet-mapping tags in web.xml for Web service providers were changed from mandatory to optional.

Definition Reference Guide


Using network resources on logical servers

Functionality was added to provide access from J2EE applications to network resources and network drives on other hosts.

Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

1.2.3, 5.2, 5.7

Simplifying the procedure for executing sample programs

The procedure for executing some sample programs was simplified by packaging them into EAR files.

First Step Guide


System Setup and Operation Guide

Appendix L

Improving the setup wizard's completion window

The Easy Setup definition file and Connector attribute file used for setup can now be displayed in the setup wizard's completion window.

System Setup and Operation Guide


(2) Implementing standard and existing functionality

The table below outlines the changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality.

Table A‒28: Changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Support for calls from OpenTP1

Message-driven beans running on Application Server can now be called from OpenTP1.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 4

Support for JMS

CJMS provider functionality that complies with the JMS 1.1 specifications is now available.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 6

Support for Java SE 6

Java SE 6 functionality is now available.

Maintenance and Migration Guide

5.5, 5.8.1

Support for generics

Generics are now available to EJB.

EJB Container Functionality Guide


(3) Maintaining and enhancing reliability

The table below outlines the changes made to maintain and enhance reliability.

Table A‒29: Changes made to maintain and enhance reliability


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Facilitating the use of the Explicit Memory Management functionality

Explicit Memory Management functionality can now be used through the automatic arrangement configuration file.

System Design Guide

7.2, 7.7.3, 7.11.4, 7.12.1

Expansion Guide

Chapter 7

Suppressing the database session failover functionality for each URI

When the database session failover functionality is used, requests that are not to be processed by this functionality can now be specified for each URI.

Expansion Guide


(4) Maintaining and enhancing availability

The table below outlines the changes made to maintain and enhance availability.

Table A‒30: Changes made to maintain and enhance availability


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Omitting the management user account

The user's login ID and password can now be omitted when using the management portal, Management Server command, or Smart Composer functionality command.

System Setup and Operation Guide


Command Reference Guide

1.4, mngsvrctl (for Starting, Stopping, or Setting up Management Server) and mngsvrutil (Management Commands for Management Server), 8.3, cmx_admin_passwd (Configuring the Management User Account for Management Server)

(5) Other purposes

The table below outlines the changes made for other purposes.

Table A‒31: Changes made for other purposes


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Statistical functionality to identify unnecessary objects in the tenured area

It is now possible to identify only those objects in the tenured area that are unnecessary.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


Functionality to output a list of reference objects to enable identification of unnecessary objects in the tenured area

It is now possible to output a list of objects that can be used as reference objects to identify unnecessary objects in the tenured area using the abovementioned statistical functionality.


Per-class statistics analysis functionality

Per-class statistics can now be output in CSV format.


Cluster node switching due to detecting that a logical server has automatically restarted too many times

In a cluster configuration where Management Server is monitored for node switching, you can now set up node switching to take place when a logical server is abnormally inactive (that is, when it has automatically restarted too many times or if a fault is detected when the automatic restart count is 0).

Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

18.4.3, 18.5.3, 16.2.2, 16.3.3, 16.3.4

Node switching in per-host management models

Node switching in per-host management models is now possible during the operation of a system linked with cluster software.

Chapter 16

Support for ACOS (AX2000 or BS320)

ACOS (AX2000 or BS320) is now available as a load balancer.

System Setup and Operation Guide

4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.5, 4.7.6, Appendix J, J.2

Definition Reference Guide

4.2.4, 4.3.2, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6, 4.7.1

Adding transaction attributes for the stateful session bean (with session synchronization interface) for CMT transaction management

The transaction attributes Supports, NotSupported, and Never can now be specified for stateful session beans (with session synchronization interface) for CMT transaction management.

EJB Container Functionality Guide


Forcibly terminating Administration Agent on OutOfMemoryError

If an OutOfMemoryError occurs in Java VM, Administration Agent is now forced to terminate.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


Asynchronous parallel processing of threads

Asynchronous timer processing and asynchronous thread processing are now possible with TimerManager and WorkManager.

Expansion Guide
