
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

A.10 Major functional changes in 08-00

Organization of this subsection

(1) Improving development productivity

The table below outlines the changes made to improve development productivity.

Table A‒32: Changes made to improve development productivity


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Facilitating migration from other application server products

To facilitate migration from other application server products, the following functionality was made available:

  • Determining the upper limit for HTTP sessions, based on exceptions

  • Preventing translation errors when there are duplicate JavaBeans IDs or when custom tag attribute names and TLD definitions are case-insensitive

Web Container Functionality Guide

2.3, 2.7.5

Offering cosminexus.xml

After a J2EE application is imported into the J2EE server, that application can now be started by entering the Cosminexus application server's unique attributes into cosminexus.xml, without configuring the properties.

Common Container Functionality Guide


(2) Implementing standard functionality

The table below outlines the changes made to enable implementation of standard functionality.

Table A‒33: Changes made to enable implementation of standard functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Support for Servlet 2.5

Servlet 2.5 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide

2.2, 2.5.4, 2.6, Chapter 7

Support for JSP 2.1

JSP 2.1 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide

2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.5, 2.6, Chapter 7

JSP debugging

JSP debugging is now possible in development environments that use MyEclipse.#

Web Container Functionality Guide


Storing the tag library into a library JAR and providing TLD mappings

When the tag library is inside a library JAR, you can now use a Web container at Web application startup to search the library JAR for a TLD file and provide TLD mappings automatically.

Web Container Functionality Guide


Omitting application.xml

The file application.xml can now be omitted when using J2EE applications.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Using both annotations and DD

Both annotations and DD can now be used. This allows the information specified in the annotation to be updated with DD.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Annotations complying with the Java EE 5 standard (default interceptor)

The default interceptor can now be stored into a library JAR. In addition, DI processing from the default interceptor is now possible.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Resolving a reference with @Resource

Resource reference can now be resolved with @Resource.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Support for JPA

The JPA specifications are now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapters 5

#: The JSP debug functionality of version 09-00 or later is available in development environment which uses WTP.

(3) Maintaining and enhancing reliability

The table below outlines the changes made to maintain and enhance reliability.

Table A‒34: Changes made to maintain and enhance reliability


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Inheriting session information

HTTP session information is now stored in a database so the information can be inherited.

Expansion Guide

Chapters 5 and 6

Suppression of Full GC

Occurrence of Full GC can now be suppressed by placing objects that can trigger Full GC outside the Java heap.

Expansion Guide

Chapter 7

Monitoring client performance

The time taken for client processing can now be checked and analyzed.




--: Functionality eliminated from version 09-00

(4) Other purposes

The table below outlines the changes made for other purposes.

Table A‒35: Changes made for other purposes


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Deleting invalid HTTP cookies

Any invalid HTTP cookies can now be deleted.

Web Container Functionality Guide


Detecting Naming Service errors

If a Naming Service error occurs, the EJB client can now detect it earlier than before.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Connection error detection timeout

The period for connection error detection timeouts can now be specified.

Common Container Functionality Guide


Support for Oracle 11g

Oracle 11g can now be used as a database.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 3

Scheduling batch processing

Execution of batch applications can now be scheduled using CTM.

Expansion Guide

Chapter 4

Batch processing log

The size and area count for the log file for batch processing commands can now be specified. In addition, the retry count and retry interval for accessing this file when it is exclusive-locked can now be specified.

Definition Reference Guide


Snapshot log

The contents of the snapshot log were changed.

Maintenance and Migration Guide

A.1 and A.2

Disclosing the protected areas for method cancel

A list of protected areas not subject to method cancel was disclosed.

Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

Appendix C

Functionality to choose whether to perform garbage collection before statistics output

You can now choose whether to perform garbage collection before output of statistics per class.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


Functionality to output age distribution information for the survivor area

Age distribution information about the Java object in the survivor area can now be output to the Java VM log file.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


Functionality to eliminate accumulated finalization processes

Accumulated Java VM finalization processes can now be monitored and eliminated.



Changing the maximum heap size for server management commands

The maximum size of the heap available for server management commands was changed.

Definition Reference Guide

5.2.1, 5.2.2

Action taken when a non-recommended display name is specified

A message is now output when a non-recommended display name is specified for a J2EE application.




--: Functionality that was dropped in 09-00.