
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

A.8 Major functional changes in 08-53

Organization of this subsection

(1) Implementing standard and existing functionality

The table below outlines the changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality.

Table A‒24: Changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Calls from OpenTP1 for transaction linkage

Transaction linkage is now possible when OpenTP1 calls a message-driven bean running on the application server.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 4


The email reception functionality, which requires a JavaMail 1.3-compliant API, is now available through linkage with a POP3 email server.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 7

(2) Maintaining and enhancing reliability

The table below outlines the changes made to maintain and enhance reliability.

Table A‒25: Changes made to maintain and enhance reliability


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Enhancing the Java VM troubleshooting functionality

To enhance the Java VM troubleshooting functionality, the following functionality is now available:

  • Changing the operation if an OutOfMemoryError occurs

  • Setting the maximum amount of C-heap memory at JIT compilation time

  • Setting the maximum number of threads

  • Adding output items of expanded verbosegc information

Maintenance and Migration Guide

Chapters 4, 5, and 9

(3) Other purposes

The table below outlines the changes made for other purposes.

Table A‒26: Changes made for other purposes


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Support for Microsoft IIS 7.0 and Microsoft IIS 7.5

Microsoft IIS 7.0 and Microsoft IIS 7.5 are now supported as Web servers.



Support for HiRDB Version 9 and SQL Server 2008

The following products are now supported as databases:

  • HiRDB Server Version 9

  • HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 9

  • HiRDB/Run Time Version 9

  • SQL Server 2008

In addition, SQL Server JDBC Driver is now supported as a JDBC driver for SQL Server 2008.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 3


--: Not applicable.