
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.15 Information to be set for using Management Server

This section describes the information to be set for using the Management Server. You can use the Management Server without setting the Management user account.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting properties of the Management Server

You can specify the port number used by the Management Server and host that allows access to the Management Server in the property file of Management Server (

The following are the keys specified in For details on the keys, and the keys that are not described in this sub-section, see 8.2.6 (Management Server environment settings file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Other than these keys, you can perform the following settings in

Also, as and when required, set the environment for execution of the commands used by the Smart Composer functionality in (Server Setup Property file).

The keys to be specified in are as follows:

(2) Setting the operating environment of the Management Server

Set the operating environment of the Management Server such as account information of the user using the Management Server, log information output by the Management Server, in the mngsvrctl command, or the Management Server property.

The following table describes the settings of the operating environment of the Management Server.

Table 4‒8:  Settings of the operating environment of the Management Server


Setting contents

Necessity of the Settings

Management user account settings

When the Management user account is not set when setting up the Management Server, either set by specifying the argument setup in the mngsvrctl command or set on the Setting Management User Account window of the Management portal.


Log settings

Specify the log level, number of files, and size of the log output by the Management Server, in the or on the Setting Log window of the Management portal.

Specify the following keys:

  • Specify the output level of the Management Server log in the com.cosminexus.mngsvr.log.level key

  • Specify the number of files of the Management Server log in the com.cosminexus.mngsvr.log.rotate key.

  • Specify the file size of the Management Server log in the com.cosminexus.mngsvr.log.size key.


Settings for startup

Specify whether to run the logical server in a batch when you are starting the Management Server, in the or in the Settings for Startup window of the Management portal. This setting is required for a batch run.


Trace based performance analysis collection settings

Set the number of trace based performance analysis files maintained on the Management Server in com.cosminexus.mngsvr.trace key, in the or in the Setting Trace Based Performance Analysis Collection window of the Management portal.


Setting the JP1 linkage

Specify whether to publish the Management Server failure information (detected error or the Logical server start notification) as JP1 event in com.cosminexus.mngsvr.jp1event.enabled key, in the or in the Setting the JP1 linkage window of the Management portal. Other than this, perform settings in the keys starting with com.cosminexus.mngsvr.jp1event, to notify the Management Server failure information to JP1. This setting is required when using the functionality to link with JP1. For linkage with JP1, see 12.Operating a JP1 Integrated System in the uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.



Y: Perform settings.

A: Set when using a specific functionality to change the default settings.


When the Management user account is already set at the time of setting up the Management Server; you need not set this account again. However, when you want to change the set Management user account during the setup, reset the Management user account by using the mngsvrctl command.

(3) Settings when the management user account is not set

A Management user account is the user permission used to login to the Management portal and to execute the commands (Example: mngsvrutil command) for the Management Server. Although you implement the Management user account settings during the setup of the Management Server, you can also use the Management Server without setting the Management user account. If you do not set the Management user account, the following phenomenon might occur when performing management portal operations or executing commands for Management Server.

When you do not set the Management user account, specify false in com.cosminexus.mngsvr.management_user_account.enabled key of However, if the Management user account is not set, anyone can operate the Management Server through Management portal and command execution. If the operational environment allows the operations in the Management Server by multiple users we recommend that you set the Management user account.