
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.14 Setting the management functionality

This subsection describes the procedure for setting up the Management functionality by the Management Server setup. For the information that is used when setting up the management functionality, see 4.1.15 Information to be set for using Management Server and 4.1.16 Information to be set for using Administration Agent. Implement these settings on the host for allocating the Management Server. In this case, the Management Server is allocated to the host for allocating the J2EE server. Also, the settings are such that the Management Server and the Administration Agent start concurrently with the host startup.

  1. Start the command prompt on the host for allocating the J2EE server.

  2. Execute the subcommand setup of the command mngsvrctl, to setup the Management Server.

    The following is an example of command execution. In this example, cosmi_admin is to be set in Management user ID and cosmi_admin_passwd is to be set in Management user password.

    mngsvrctl setup -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd
  3. Execute the mngautorun command, and perform settings for starting the Management Server and Administration Agent concurrently with the host startup.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    mngautorun both -sync
    Reference note

    You can also perform the settings to automatically restart the Management Server and Administration Agent when failure occurs. Also, you can perform the settings to stop the Management Server and Administration Agent concurrently with the host. For details on auto-restart and auto-stop settings of the Management Server and Administration Agent, see the following subsections of the uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.

    • 2.6.4 Setting up automatic re-start

    • 2.6.5 Setting up automatic stop

  4. Setting the Management Server environment.

    The information specified for using Management Server includes the following. See 4.1.15 Information to be set for using Management Server to set up the information.

    • Port number used by Management Server

    • Host that is allowed to access Management Server

    • User account that will use Management Server

    • Log-related information output by Management Server

  5. Setting the Administration Agent environment.

    The information specified for using Administration Agent includes the following. See 4.1.16 Information to be set for using Administration Agent to set up the information.

    • Port number used by Administration Agent

    • Information for monitoring the logical servers by Administration Agent (such as operation verification level and operation verification interval)

    • Information for verifying the HTTP Server operations