
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.16 Information to be set for using Administration Agent

This subsection describes the information to be set for using the Administration Agent.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the Administration Agent property

You can specify the information such as the port number used by the Administration Agent in the Administration Agent Property file (

In addition to this, you can also set the collection destination for a snapshot log. For details on the settings of the collection destination of a snapshot log, see the following subsections in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide:

(2) Settings for the monitoring of logical servers by Administration Agent

When operating the system, you can use the management command (mngsvrutil) of the Management Server to check the status of logical servers, and learn about the start/stop status of the logical server. When using the Management Server to manage the logical servers, the Administration Agent periodically monitors the process and checks the operations for the logical server, and notifies the logical sever status to the Management Server. The Administration Agent can change the level and interval settings when checking the operations of the logical servers. Set the items related to the operation check of the logical servers in the, as and when required. For details on the auto-restart of the logical server in the event of failure, see 2.4.3 Automatic restart of logical server in the uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.

Reference note

When using the Management Server for operation check of Web Servers, a separate log for operation check can be output, along with the normal logs (error log, access log, and request log). For details on how to set, see 3.3.8 Settings for Acquiring the Web Server Log in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.

(3) Setting the operation check for Cosminexus HTTP Server

In the Management Server, you can manage the Cosminexus HTTP Server as a Web Server. Verification of HTTP Server operation is achieved by sending a request via HTTP to the port whose port number is specified by the last Listen directive in the web server definition file (httpsd.conf).

Therefore, if the last Listen directive is set to enable SSL, HTTP Server operation cannot be verified.

Make sure that the last Listen directive is set to disable SSL.

If all Listen directives in the web server definition file (httpsd.conf) are set to enable SSL, a client that accesses the HTTP Server only checks for the existence of the process and skips verification of HTTP Server operation.

This section describes the settings of HTTP method for operation check, and the URL settings for Cosminexus HTTP Server operation check. However, you can set the URL for Cosminexus HTTP Server operation check, only if HEAD is specified in the HTTP method settings for operation check.