
JP1 Version 12 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

10.5.1 Deleting a job

The following section describes the flow of deleting a job, steps to delete a job, and notes on deleting a job.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Flow of deleting a job

If you delete a job from an upper system, and if the job was already transferred to a lower system, the job downloaded to the lower system will also be deleted. The following figure shows a job deletion flow.

Figure 10‒38: Flow of deleting a job


  1. You delete a job called Job A in the managing server.

    If you display Jobs Being Deleted in the Job Status window, Job A, to be deleted, is displayed with (Now being deleted).

  2. Job A, which has been transferred to the relay system or management relay server, is deleted.

    Because the Job A has been transferred to a lower system, the Job A with (Now being deleted) remains in the Job Status window.

  3. Job A, which has been transferred to each of the managed computers, is deleted.

    After it is reported to the managing server that Job A has been deleted from the entire system, Job A disappears from the Job Status window.

(2) Deleting a job

This section describes how to delete a job in the Job Status window. Once deleted, the job cannot be recovered. If you delete a folder, all jobs and lower-level folders inside the folder will also be deleted.

  1. Bring up the Job Status window, and select a folder or job you want to delete.

    The selected folder or job is highlighted.

  2. Select Edit and then Delete.

    A deletion confirmation dialog box appears. Clicking the Cancel button closes the dialog box without deleting the selection.

(3) Important notes on deleting a job

Note the following when you delete a job: