
JP1 Version 12 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Distribution Function Administration Guide

J. Glossary



A program installed on the computers managed by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. The agent program reports information to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager, and controls its host computer based on instructions from JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager. The name of the agent program is JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent.

agent configurations

Agent setup information managed on the management server. You can change the setup of an agent remotely by creating agent configurations in the user interface and assigning them to an agent.

AIT file

A file that contains the procedure for installing software interactively using a dedicated installer or other tool. AIT files are created by the Automatic Installation Tool.

application gateway method

A method of building a firewall that prohibits packet relay and uses an application gateway to control access. Users cannot gain direct access to the system from the outside; they must log in through a gateway by entering a user ID and a password.

asset management item

An asset item that can be managed in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. Examples include user names, email addresses, posts, and installation locations. When you use Remote Install Manager to distribute software, you can specify posts, installation locations, and additional management items of hardware asset information in the automatic maintenance policy for a host group or ID group.

associated label

A kind of control. This text cannot be manipulated or modified by users. Generally, an associated label is also used as a description of another control such as a list box without a caption. An associated label is the text immediately before a control in the tab order.

audit log

A log file shared by all JP1 products. It provides a record of who performed each operation, the type of operation, and when it was performed.

automatic maintenance policy file

A file in XML format that contains the policy for automatic maintenance of host groups and ID groups.



An area in a managing server that is used to store packages.

cabinet ID

A unique ID for each cabinet. This term is used in the UNIX version of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent and is equivalent to the term cabinet ID for the Windows version of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent.


Text displayed on the top of a control or as the title of a window.

child window

A window that descends from another window (a parent window). For example, an application uses child windows to divide a single parent window into multiple work areas. Individual controls such as check boxes and text boxes within a dialog box are equivalent to the child windows of a dialog box.

Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server

A server where Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS (Remote Desktop Services) are installed. An agent can be installed on a server where Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS are installed so that JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 can manage the server.

Client Control function

A function that allows you to start and shut down PCs remotely via a network. By using this function, JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 can remotely turn on remote PCs and install software at night, on weekends, and on holidays. To use the Client Control function, the remote PC must support AMT or Wake on LAN.

collected file

A file collected from a managed computer by remote collection.


Graphical objects arranged in a window, such as text boxes and command buttons. Controls are equivalent to the child windows of a window where controls are displayed.


A program that remotely controls a managed computer.


date/time picker

A kind of control that enables you to select a date or time.

device information

Information JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 collects from managed devices, such as the hardware usage for the computer and types of software installed on a computer. This information is used to manage devices. You can view device information in the Device Inventory panel of the Inventory module.

distribution using Remote Install Manager

One of the two distribution functions provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. This function uses Remote Install Manager to distribute software. You can also use commands to control software distribution. The other function is ITDM-compatible distribution.


A unit for managing hosts and users in a network.



Phenomena that computers can detect, such as user operations or program status changes. Events that occur as a result of user operations include mouse clicks, menu selection, keyboard operation, and time lapse. Other events are those that occur within applications or operating systems, such as unprocessed exceptions, or window creation or disappearance.

execution timing

The timing with which a package is installed on a managed computer. You can select When System Starts up, which installs the package when the managed computer is started, or Immediately, which installs the package as soon as the package is transferred to the managed computer.


file for higher system addresses

A configuration file that defines the mappings between host names and IP addresses. It is used to identify the IP address of a higher system when a computer that communicates using host names cannot resolve the host name of the higher system.


A component installed at the boundary between the Internet and an internal system, which prevents unauthorized access to the internal system from the outside.


A temporary attribute of user interface objects such as windows, views, dialog boxes, or buttons. An object that is focused can receive user inputs. For example, when a text box is focused, a string that a user enters is displayed in the text box. Normally, a focused object is highlighted.



A unique 4-byte integer. A handle can be used to identify each window or control to be accessed. This value is assigned by the operating system.


A networked Windows, UNIX, or Mac computer that is the target of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 operations.

host group

A method of grouping computers so that jobs can be executed on multiple computers. This method allows you to group hosts from the managing system based on the job, organization, or other common purpose.

host ID

A key that uniquely identifies a host in a system. Because host IDs are not affected by the network configuration, the system administrator can use host IDs to manage hosts more efficiently.


ID group

A method of grouping computers so that jobs can be executed on multiple computers. You can assign ID groups to computers from an agent or the managing server.

ID group job

A job for which an ID group is specified as the destination.

ID-management relay computer

A relay system or management relay server that manages ID group jobs and computers belonging to an ID group. When an ID group job is executed, the corresponding ID-management relay computer stores the ID group job on the local system and executes the job for the computers belonging to the ID group.

installation mode

The method used to install packages on managed computers. There are two installation modes: GUI installation mode which uses an installer, and Background installation mode in which the files are simply copied without the use of an installer.

ITDM-compatible distribution

One of the two distribution functions provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. ITDM-compatible distribution uses window operations in the distribution module to distribute software. The other function is distribution by using Remote Install Manager.



The unit of task execution in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.


A program for running jobs automatically. Using JP1/AJS, you can execute a sequence of processes according to a predefined schedule, or initiate processing when a specific event occurs.


A program that provides the core functionality for JP1/IM.

JP1/Base sends and receives JP1 events. It also functions as the JP1/IM system agent.

JP1/Base is a prerequisite program for JP1/IM - Manager.


A program that centrally monitors a distributed system. Information about events such as job processing and errors in the distributed system is reported to JP1/IM as JP1 events. JP1/IM registers and manages JP1 events, and displays them on the system administrator's screen.

JP1 event

Information that is reported to JP1/Base about an event that has occurred in a system.


managed computer

A computer on which the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent software is installed, or an agent under a relay system in the system configuration information that has the same name as the relay system. A managed computer receives software directly from the managing server or through a relay system or management relay server, and can then install the software on the local system and notify the managing server of the result of the installation process.

management relay server

A JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager system under the highest managing server in a managing server system with a hierarchical structure. A management relay server can relay jobs (such as remote installation or file transfer) between the managing server and managed computers.

management server

A computer where JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager is installed. The term management server collectively refers to management servers with a single-server configuration, primary management servers with a multi-server configuration, and site management servers with a multi-server configuration.

managing server

A generic term for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager.

multicast address

The IP address of a multicast group. The multicast address is specified when the sender and receivers for multicast distribution are set up.

multicast distribution

A method of job distribution that uses the IP multicast protocol to send packets to many specific computers from a higher system. This method uses less traffic because the higher system only needs to send the job packet to one multicast group location, regardless of how many computers belong to the group.

multicast group

A conceptual group to which jobs are distributed by multicast distribution. A multicast group has its own IP address called a multicast address. When a higher system sends job packets to a multicast group, the packets are then distributed to each computer in that group.

multiple LAN connections

A JP1 function for handling systems that consist of multiple local area networks (LANs). By using this function, you can predefine which LAN JP1 uses for communication on hosts that are connected to multiple LANs. Because JP1 communication can be set up independently of the system and other applications, this function allows for a wide range of network configurations and modes of operation. Hosts connected to multiple LANs may also be called multi-homed hosts or multiple Network Interface Card (NIC) hosts.

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 supports the following multiple LAN connection environments:

  • Environments divided into multiple networks

  • Environments with duplex networks


offline installation

The process of installing software using installation media rather than over a network.

offline machine

A Windows computer whose information is not registered in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 system configuration information. Examples of offline machines are:

  • A computer with JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installed that is used as a standalone device

  • A computer on the network with JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installed that is not registered in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 system configuration information

You can install software on offline machines.


package (for distribution using Remote Install Manager)

A unit of software distributed using Remote Install Manager. Packages you create in the Packager are stored in the cabinet of a managing server. You can then use Remote Install Manager or a command to distribute the package.

package ID

A name assigned to a software program during packaging. This term is used in the UNIX version of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent and is equivalent to the term package ID for the Windows version of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent.

Package Setup Manager

A function that allows users to select and install software programs received from the managing server or relay systems. In Package Setup Manager, you can change the installation directory of the selected software and view a list of software distributed from Remote Install Manager.


A program that registers in the managing server software to be remotely installed.

package type

The type of package. There are three package types: user programs and data, Hitachi program products, and other companies' software.


The process of using the Packager to create a package.

packet filtering method

A method of building a firewall that limits the packets that can pass through the firewall. This method offers a variety of configurations, such as allowing access from within the system to the outside but prohibiting access into the system from the outside. This method can limit the number of terminals that are permitted to access the Internet.


Preset conditions that govern the automatic assignment to a host group or ID group of a new host added to the system configuration. Policies are used by the function for automatic registration into the system configuration.


relay system

An instance of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent that is positioned between a managing server and managed computers, and relays jobs related to remote installation, file transfer, and other tasks.

remote collection

A function that uses Remote Install Manager to collect files from managed computers in a batch process.

Remote Control Agent

A component of the agent program. You can use all remote control functions by establishing a standard connection between the Remote Control Agent and the controller.

remote control function

A function that connects to a remote computer and controls its GUI using keyboard and mouse operations.

Remote Desktop

In this manual, Remote Desktop refers to the Remote Desktop for Administration or Remote Desktop function in Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.

remote installation

A function that distributes software and files as a batch from a managing server to a user's computer.

Remote Install Manager

A component of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2. Install this component if you want to perform distribution using Remote Install Manager.


split distribution

A method of reducing the load on the network by dividing packages into segments of a size specified by the user and transferring them at a specific interval. The user can specify the size of each segment at agent setup or job creation, or even at relay locations along the package transfer route. Split distribution is useful for distributing large packages.

system information

Hardware information for the hosts that make up a JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 system.


tab order

The order in which the focus is moved from one control to another by pressing the Tab key.



A program that restores archived and compressed files to their original form during remote collection.

unicast distribution

A method of job distribution in which packets are sent from a higher system to each computer individually. Because the higher system has to send each job packet separately to each target computer, the number of times a packet is sent increases in proportion to the number of computers in the system.

updated program

A program provided by Microsoft Corporation that updates aspects of Windows, Internet Explorer, and other Microsoft products.


Wake on LAN

A standard for turning on a computer in a local area network (LAN) from another computer in the network.