
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Data Highway - Server User's Guide

2.3.3 Importing the server certificate

This subsection describes the steps required if the server certificate was issued by non-public authority.

Obtain the server certificate and complete the following steps:

Organization of this subsection

(1) For Windows (Installer)

  1. Run Import Certificate.bat in the Start menu as an administrator.

    The command prompt window appears.

  2. Enter the path to the certificate in Input certificate file path:.

  3. Enter a name (alphanumeric characters only) in Input certificate alias:.

  4. You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.

  5. When you see Completed, you are all set.

(2) For Windows (zip)

  1. Unzip the zip file and run Import Certificate.bat in the resulting folder.

    The command prompt window appears.

  2. Enter the path to the certificate in Input certificate file path:.

  3. Enter a name (alphanumeric characters only) in Input certificate alias:.

  4. You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.

  5. When you see Completed, you are all set.

(3) For macOS

  1. Run the following command:

      /Applications/Data\ Highway\ -import -file path-to-the-certificate -alias an-alphanumeric-only-string -keystore /Applications/Data\ Highway\ /Contents/java/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -trustcacerts
  2. You will be asked if you trust the certificate. Enter y.