
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Navigation Platform Content Editing Guide

3.6.2 How to use Process Nodes

You can create an Operational Flow by arranging Process Nodes in the working sequence and connecting them by relation lines. In most cases, character strings are displayed on Process Nodes. However, images can also be displayed.

  • If you want to display a character string in addition to an image on a Process Node, place an image containing a character string or use the static-text part when placing the Process Node.

  • To use the reporting window to check analysis information regarding usage, make sure that the Process Nodes are placed frontmost. In the reporting window, analysis results are displayed as characters on the same layer as the Process Nodes. If any part is displayed in front of Process Nodes, some characters might be displayed behind the part, and therefore hard to read. For details about the reporting window, see 6.9 How to analyze the usage of Operational Content.