
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Service Response Description, User's Guide and Reference

13.2.1 Measuring Web transactions

This subsection describes how to troubleshoot Web transaction measurement.

The errors described in (13) An option specification error occurs during measurement test command execution and (14) A duplicate command execution error occurs during measurement test command execution might occur only when a measurement test command is executed. Other errors might occur when a Web transaction is measured or when a measurement test command is executed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) No Web transaction file is found

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08324-E An attempt to open the file has failed. FILE="C:\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1pc\agtv\probe\webtrans\wt3.xml",INFO="no such file"

Make sure that a Web transaction file exists in installation-folder\agtv\probe\webtrans\. Check the file access permissions.

(2) The user does not have access permissions to the Web transaction file

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08324-E An attempt to open the file has failed. FILE='C:\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1pc\agtv\probe\webtrans\wt3.xml', INFO='Access was denied.'

Check the file access permissions.

(3) The Web transaction file contains a format error

(a) The format of the Web transaction file is invalid

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08025-E The format of a definition in the file is invalid. File='C:\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1pc\agtv\probe\webtrans\wt2.xml', INFO='Close tag 'TAITLE' does not match opening tag 'TITLE'. line : 11 char : 44'

See the locations of the tags indicated by the message, and correct the format error.

(b) Character encoding declared in the Web transaction file does not match the actually used character encoding

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08025-E The format of a definition in the file is invalid. File='C:\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1pc\agtv\probe\webtrans\wt.xml', INFO=xxxxx#

#: Detailed error information is output to xxxxx in a language according to the OS setting.

Make sure that the encoding declaration (encoding=) specified in the XML declaration (<?XML .... ?>) in the Web transaction file indicated by FILE= is consistent with the character encoding actually used in the file.

If a Web transaction file is created by using the Web Recorder, URLs, titles, and other page information are written in Shift_JIS.

Therefore, if any character encoding other than Shift_JIS is specified for Encoding of the Web transaction file in the Web Recorder Create New Web Transaction window, the specified character encoding might be inconsistent with the one actually used in a file.

In this case, open a Web transaction file by using the Web Recorder. In the Web recorder (main) window, select Transaction and then Save As. In the Save As window, select Shift-JIS in Encoding of the Web transaction file, and then save the Web transaction file. After saving the file, perform measurement or execute the command again.

(4) The Web transaction file contains a definition error

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08173-E The content of a definition in the wWeb transaction file is invalid. File=wt2.xml, TAG=STEP_ID

See the location of the tag indicated by TAG=, and correct the definition error.

(5) The transaction specified in the Web transaction file does not exist

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08171-E There is no Web transaction. ID=0, File=wt.xml, Web transaction=wtz

Make sure that the Web transaction file indicated by File= is correct. Make sure that the specified Web transaction has been defined.

(6) The monitored machine is not operating (or communications do not reach it)

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08340-E Socket API error. SOCKET_ERRNO=10060,OPERATION=select

KAVK08211-E An attempt to establish a TCP connection for measurement has failed. ID=0,Service_type=WEBTRANS

SOCKET_ERRNO=10060 (detailed code WSAETIMEDOUT for Winsock2API) indicates that there is no correct response from the connection destination during the three-way handshake performed by TCP connection processing. Check the following points:

(7) The Web service (such as Apache HTTP Server) is not running

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08340-E Socket API error. SOCKET_ERRNO=10061,OPERATION=select

KAVK08211-E An attempt to establish a TCP connection for measurement has failed. ID=0,Service_type=WEBTRANS

SOCKET_ERRNO=10061 (detailed code WSAECONNREFUSED for Winsock2API) indicates that the connection destination host has rejected a connection from a Web server or HTTP proxy server. Check the following points:

(8) The resource specified in the URL does not exist (an HTTP 404 error occurs)

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08261-E The requested resource was not found. ID=0,Service_type=WEBTRANS,URL=

KAVK08341-E A HTTP response was failed. ID=0,ERRNO=404

The Web server detected that the requested resource was not found. Check the following points:

(9) Invalid certificate (self-signed certificate)

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08253-E A self-signed certificate was found in the chain. ID=0,Service_type=WEBTRANS,URL=

Check the server certificate on the HTTP server.

(10) A basic authentication error (missing password) occurs

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08174-EA password has not been set up. File=wt.xml, TAG=WEB_AUTH

Define a password in the Web transaction file, or register a password with the password utility, and then re-execute the command.

(11) A basic authentication error (incorrect password) occurs

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08257-E An authentication is required. ID=0,Service_type=WEBTRANS,

KAVK08341-E A HTTP response was failed. ID=0,ERRNO=401

The Web server detected that an authentication error occurred. Check the following points:

(12) A response determination error occurs

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08310-E It was not consistent to response pattern. ID=0,

Check the HTTP server or the network status.

(13) An option specification error occurs during measurement test command execution

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK08332-E The specification of an option is invalid. INFO="-wtfile"

Check the format of the option specification, and then re-execute the command.

(14) A duplicate command execution error occurs during measurement test command execution

The following message might be displayed:

KAVK42007-E The command is already running.

Wait for the preceding command to finish, and then re-execute the command.