
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Service Response Description, User's Guide and Reference

5.1.6 Notes about starting the IE probe

For the monitored Web page, specify the version of Internet Explorer where the IE probe is to be operated. The following shows the procedure to specify the version of Internet Explorer:

  1. Before starting the IE probe, specify a value for ie_probe_browser_mode in the Probe action condition definition file (esp.conf).

    Specify the same value as the value of ie_rec_browser_mode in the IE Recorder action condition definition file (jpcvierec.conf) that is specified in 4.5.2(1) Starting the IE Recorder.

    For details about the values of ie_probe_browser_mode in the Probe action condition definition file (esp.conf), see Table 8-8 Definition in the IE Probe section.