
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Integrated Management - Manager Command and Definition File Reference

Summary of amendments

The following table lists changes in this manual (3021-3-A11-30(E)) and product changes related to this manual.



For the jcachange command, the following options were added: -e, -on, -off, and -st.

1.Commands, 1.jcachange

The jcadefconv command can now convert an action definition file from a version earlier than 11-50 (the DESC_VERSION value is less than 4) to version 11-50 or later (the DESC_VERSION value is 4).

1.Commands, 1.jcadefconv

The following definition file was added:

  • Configuration file for incident inheritance information (incident_info.conf)

1.jco_spmd_reload, 2.Definition Files, 2.Configuration file for incident inheritance information (incident_info.conf)

The following files were added to lists of data collected with the data collection tool:

  • Common exclusion history file

  • Common exclusion-conditions definition history file

1.jim_log.bat (Windows only), (UNIX only)

For the automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update), the default value of the ACTIONINFSIZE parameter was changed to dword:00001000 (4,096 KB).

2.Automated action environment definition file (action.conf.update)

For the automated action definition file (actdef.conf), the parameters aid and valid were added. Additionally, the DESC_VERSION parameter can now take a new file version of 4.

2.Automated action definition file (actdef.conf)

For the automated action definition file (actdef.conf) (for conversion), the DESC_VERSION parameter now can take a file version of 4.

2.Automated action definition file (actdef.conf) (for conversion)

The definitions for the following items were added to the default definition file for extended event attributes:

  • Common exclusion-conditions group ID

  • Common exclusion-conditions group name

  • Common exclude conditions group target-for-exclusion

2.Definition file for extended event attributes

For the common exclusion-conditions extended definition file, the ex-target parameter was added. Additionally, the DESC_VERSION parameter can now take a new file version of 2.

2.Common-exclusion-conditions extended definition file

For linkage with JP1/Service Support, a new incident registration mode was added to allow any event attributes to be inherited.

2.Definition file for manually registering incidents (incident.conf)

In addition to the above changes, minor editorial corrections were made.