
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Base User's Guide

3.3.2 Using the Hitachi Program Product Installer

The Hitachi Program Product Installer is stored on the medium supplied with JP1/Base.

Notes on using the Hitachi Program Product Installer

Superuser permissions are required to use the Hitachi Program Product Installer. Log in as the superuser, or execute the su command to change your user account to the superuser.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Starting the Hitachi Program Product Installer

To install JP1/Base from the supplied magnetic tape:

  1. Mount the JP1/Base tape in the tape unit.

  2. Execute the following command to extract the Hitachi Program Product Installer:

    tar xf device-file-name
  3. Execute the following command to start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:

    /etc/hitachi_setup -i device-file-name

To install JP1/Base from the supplied CD-ROM:

  1. Insert the JP1/Base CD-ROM into the drive.

  2. Mount the drive.

    Execute the command as follows:

    The mounting method differs depending on the OS, hardware, and environment. For details on how to the mount the drive, see the documentation for your OS.

    Command for HP-UX:

    /usr/sbin/mount -F cdfs -r device-special-file-name /cdrom

    Command for Solaris:

    Usually, the drive is mounted automatically when you set the provided media. If the drive is not mounted automatically, execute the following command:

    /usr/sbin/mount -r -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0 /cdrom

    Command for AIX:

    /usr/sbin/mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

    Command for Linux:

    /bin/mount -r -o mode=0544 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

    Note that the device special file name (in italics), and the mount directory name of the provided media file system (underlined) differs depending on the environment.

  3. Execute the following command to install and start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:

    /cdrom/XXXX/setup /cdrom

    XXXX differs depending on your operating environment.

    For an HP-UX system, change setup to upper-case SETUP. In Solaris and Linux, the drive is mounted automatically. Specify the device special file name for the automatically mounted drive in place of /cdrom.

(2) Installing JP1/Base

You can install JP1/Base using the Hitachi Program Product Installer. The initial window appears when you start the Installer. An example is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3‒2: Example of the Hitachi Program Product Installer initial window


Enter I in this window to see a list of the software that you can install. Move the cursor to JP1/Base, then press the space bar to select that item. Enter I again to install JP1/Base. When you finish the installation, enter Q to return to the initial window.

(3) Deleting JP1/Base

You can uninstall (delete) JP1/Base using the Hitachi Program Product Installer.

Execute the following command to start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:


The initial Installer window appears. For an example, see Figure 3-2.

Enter D in this window to see a list of the installed software that can be deleted. Move the cursor to JP1/Base, then press the space bar to select that item. Enter D again to delete JP1/Base. When you finish deleting software, enter Q to return to the initial window.

(4) Displaying version information

You can use the Hitachi Program Product Installer to view version information for Hitachi products installed on your system.

Execute the following command to start the Hitachi Program Product Installer:


The initial Installer window appears. For an example, see Figure 3-2.

Enter L in this window to see a list of the installed Hitachi program products.