
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

12.2.6 Troubleshooting related to the log monitoring program

This subsection describes how to handle problems that are related to the log monitoring programs.

Organization of this subsection

(1) JP1 events are not issued successfully in JP1/Base's log file traps

If JP1/Base's log file traps are used to monitor a system log information or CCMS Alert Information storage file in the WRAP1 format, JP1 events might not be sent successfully when the storage file wraps around. If this event occurs, take the following actions:

Action to be taken when the message is displayed
  • In the SAP system, check the system log information or CCMS Alert Information output during the time period in which JP1 events were not issued successfully to identify all information that was not reported in the file monitoring product's log file traps. If any of the unreported information requires an action, take the appropriate action according to the output system log information or CCMS Alert Information.

  • Restart JP1/Base's log file traps.

Action to be taken during re-evaluation
  • Check and, if necessary, revise the size of the storage file.

    Re-evaluate the size of system log information or CCMS Alert Information storage file (value of the SIZE label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameter file) based on size-extracted-and-output and valid-data-size displayed in the KAVF14280-W or KAVF14281-W message output to the Windows event log (in Windows) or syslog (in UNIX) so that the file is larger than size-extracted-and-output and no more than the valid size of data that was written. The value of size-extracted-and-output minus valid-data-size is how much more space is needed.

  • Change the format of storage file from WRAP1 to WRAP2.

    Before you change the storage file format, terminate any executing command or stop record collection, and then stop JP1/Base's log file traps. After that, manually delete the storage files, management files, and timestamp files.

(2) The KAVF14280-W message is output to the Windows event log (in Windows) or to syslog (in UNIX)

If the KAVF14280-W message is output to the Windows event log (in Windows) or syslog (in UNIX), take the following action:

Action to be taken when the message is displayed
  • In the SAP system, check the system log information output during and following the collection period in which this message was output to identify all information that was not reported in the file monitoring product's log file traps. If any of the unreported information requires an action, take the appropriate action according to the output system log information.

  • If the WRAP1-format file was being monitored by JP1/Base's log file traps, restart JP1/Base's log file traps.

Action to be taken during re-evaluation
  • Re-evaluate the size of system log information storage file (value of the SIZE label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameter file) based on size-extracted-and-output and valid-data-size displayed in the message so that the file is larger than size-extracted-and-output and no more than the valid size of data that was written. The value of size-extracted-and-output minus valid-data-size is how much more space is needed.

  • If you output storage files in the WRAP1 format, consider using the WRAP2 format that enables multiple files to be output.

(3) The KAVF14281-W message is output to the Windows event log (in Windows) or to syslog (in UNIX)

If the KAVF14281-W message is output to the Windows event log (in Windows) or syslog (in UNIX), take the following action:

Action to be taken when the message is displayed
  • In the SAP system, check the CCMS Alert Information output during and following the collection period in which this message was output to identify all information that was not reported in the file monitoring product's log file traps. If any of the unreported information requires an action, take the appropriate action according to the output CCMS Alert Information.

  • If the WRAP1-format file was being monitored by JP1/Base's log file traps, restart JP1/Base's log file traps.

Action to be taken during re-evaluation
  • Re-evaluate the size of CCMS Alert Information storage file (value of the SIZE label in the EXTRACTFILE section in the environment parameter file) based on size-extracted-and-output and valid-data-size displayed in the message so that the file is larger than size-extracted-and-output and no more than the valid size of data that was written. A value of size-extracted-and-output minus valid-data-size is how much more space is needed.

  • If you output storage files in the WRAP1 format, consider using the WRAP2 format that enables multiple files to be output.