Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


14.3 Customizing the Main Scope window and the Sub Scope window

This section explains the following settings for customizing the Main Scope window and the Sub Scope window:

Organization of this section
14.3.1 Specifying the operation when an object is double-clicked
14.3.2 Specifying the display screen at start of JP1/AJS3 - View
14.3.3 Specifying for displaying names and comments
14.3.4 Changing the color that indicates the selected status
14.3.5 Showing or hiding a tool tip
14.3.6 Suppressing display of confirmation messages
14.3.7 Changing the folder storing background images
14.3.8 Changing the background color of the map area
14.3.9 Changing the folder storing the icon images
14.3.10 Suppressing automatic creation of a monitored object that has comments
14.3.11 Changing the standard icons