Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


14.2.5 Specifying memory usage

You can specify the memory usage of JP1/AJS3 Console View.

The default of the maximum memory size that JP1/AJS3 Console View can use is 48 megabytes. This default allows the following windows and dialog boxes to be displayed concurrently:

Window and dialog box Number of monitored objects Number of windows or dialog boxes that can be displayed
Sub Scope window 500 10
Detail Information dialog box -- 20

--: Not applicable

If the estimate exceeds the default, increase the maximum size of memory for JP1/AJS3 - View.

Specify from:
JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\conf\ajscon2.conf

Use the following format:

To set the maximum memory usage to 96 megabytes:
jreparam=-Xmx50M (return)

Cautionary notes
  • When you edit the ajscon2.conf file, do not change any options specified in jreparam other than the -Xmx48M option. Change only the numeric value portion of the -Xmx48M default.
  • If the specification of the -Xmx entry is incorrect, JP1/AJS3 - View might ignore the specified value or might be unable to operate. Keep this in mind when you set a value in this entry. If the value specified in -Xmx is too large, the memory for the entire system might become insufficient. Therefore, when you adjust the value, you must take the amount of system memory into account. Also, make sure that the value you specify does not exceed half of the amount of memory that has been installed (main memory).

Cautionary notes (for upgrading from version 6 or 7)
In version 8, the version of JRE that is used as prerequisite software on the same device has changed.
As a result, the memory requirement settings (location and contents of the specification) have also changed. The following memory requirement settings, which were used in version 7 or earlier, cannot be used in version 8 or later. Note that the ajs.conf file shown below must not be deleted. If you delete the file, JP1/AJS2 - View is no longer able to start.
  • Specify from (in version 7 or earlier): JP1/AJS2-View-installation-folder\conf\ajscon.conf
  • Specification (in version 7 or earlier): jreparam=-mxnM (n: maximum memory size)
As a result of changing the JRE version, more memory is required than in version 7 or earlier. Re-estimate the memory requirements and, if necessary, set them again.