Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


14.2.4 Specifying communication options

For the connection from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager, you can specify the number of connection retries, retry interval, query response waiting time, and connection confirmation interval.

Specify from:
Common configuration file
For details, see 14.1 Customizing methods.

Use the following format:
keyword-of-communication-option=numeral (in decimal) (return)
The following table shows the keywords and values that can be specified for the communication options. Enter the keywords in capital letters.

Table 14-1 Keywords and specifiable values of communication options

No. Communication option Keyword Specifiable value
1 Number of connection retries CONN_RETRYCOUNT 0 to 2,147,483,646 (unit: count)
The default is 1.
2 Retry interval CONN_INTERVAL 0 to 600 (Unit: second)
The default is 10.
3 Query response waiting time REQ_WAITTIME 30 to 604,800 (Unit: second)
The default is 300.
4 Authentication waiting time SESSION_WAITTIME 30 to 604,800 (Unit: second)
The default is 300.
5 Connection confirmation interval KEEP_ALIVE 30 to 604,800 (Unit: second)
The default is 300.
The keywords are case-sensitive. If a character is invalid, the option is not enabled. If a number specified is not in decimal or beyond the specifiable range, the option retains the default.
If you specify multiple values for the same keyword, the value specified last is enabled.

To set the retry interval to 60 seconds:
CONN_INTERVAL=60 (return)
The keywords of communication options are explained below.
If connecting from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager fails, it is retried. Specify the number of connection retries with a decimal number.
Specify the interval (in seconds) with a decimal number between retries after connecting from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager fails.
Specify the maximum waiting time (in seconds) with a decimal number for the response from JP1/AJS3 Console Manager after a query was sent from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager.
Specify the maximum waiting time (in seconds) with a decimal number for the response from JP1/AJS3 Console Manager after a query for login and reconnection was sent from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager.
Specify the interval (in seconds) with a decimal number for periodically sending connection confirmation requests from JP1/AJS3 Console View to JP1/AJS3 Console Manager. Based on the specified value, JP1/AJS3 Console Manager also confirms the connection to JP1/AJS3 Console View. However, if JP1/AJS3 Console View is displaying a modal dialog box or is processing a screen at the time of connection confirmation, it does not process the connection confirmation until the next request.