Job Management Partner 1 Version 10, Job Management Partner 1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


14.3.10 Suppressing automatic creation of a monitored object that has comments

You can specify whether a comment defined for the unit to be monitored can be used as a comment of the AJS3 unit monitored object during automatic creation of a monitored object. By default, the system uses the comment of the unit to be monitored and automatically creates the AJS3 unit monitored object.

Specify from:
User configuration file
For details, see 14.1 Customizing methods.

Use the following format:
jajsConsoleAutoCreateWithComment={Yes|No} (return)
Specify No to prevent the comment defined for the unit to be monitored from being used as the comment of the AJS3 unit monitored object. To use the comment for the AJS3 unit monitored object, specify Yes.
The default is Yes. If you omit this setting, Yes is assumed.

To prevent the comment defined for the unit to be monitored from being used as the comment of the AJS3 unit monitored object when automatically creating a monitored object:
jajsConsoleAutoCreateWithComment=No (return)