
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Integrated Management - Manager Overview and System Design Guide

6.6 Managing remotely monitored hosts

Using IM Configuration Management, you can manage remotely monitored hosts by collecting the following types of remote-monitoring log information from the remotely monitored hosts:

Only the newly acquired log information (information not previously in the log) is collected by lines.

The following remotely monitored hosts can be managed:

In remote monitoring, log monitoring might stop, or events might be lost because of communication failures. For a system in which temporary stoppage of log monitoring is not allowed, introduce JP1/Base for monitoring. For details about selection of remote monitoring or monitoring using JP1/Base, see 6.2.8 Selection of agent configuration or remote monitoring configuration.

In remote monitoring, the resolution of names of monitored hosts into the IP addresses is performed by the JP1/IM - Manager host OS. When you perform remote monitoring, specify and register the host names of monitored hosts in the hosts file and DNS so that the JP1/IM - Manager host OS can resolve them.

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