uCosminexus Application Server, Web Service Development Guide
The following table lists changes in the manual 3020-3-Y23-10(E) for uCosminexus Application Server 09-50, uCosminexus Application Server(64) 09-50, uCosminexus Client 09-50, uCosminexus Developer 09-50, uCosminexus Service Architect 09-50, uCosminexus Service Platform 09-50, and uCosminexus Service Platform(64) 09-50 and product changes related to the manual:
Changes | Location |
The catalog functionality has been added. Accordingly, the following description has been changed:
1.1, 14.1(2), 15.1.9(1), 16.2.1, 19.1.2, 19.2.2(4), 19.2.3(3), 21, 27 |
The description on client APIs for RESTful Web Services has been added. Accordingly, the following descriptions have been added or changed:
1.3.2, 1.5.2, 11.4, 12.5.1, 12.6.3, 13.1, 13.1.2(3), 13.2, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7.5, 16.2.2, 16.2.19, 16.2.20, 24.2, 24.2.12, 25, 39.3.3(5), 39.3.5(2), 39.4.2 |
The description on one-way operations has been added. Accordingly, the following descriptions have been added or changed:
1.4.2(1), 10.15, 10.22, 15.1.3(3), 15.1.4(1), 15.1.5(1), 16.2.1, 16.2.4, 16.2.9(2), 19.1.1, 19.1.2, 19.2.2(1), 19.2.2(2), 36.1, 36.5.3, 37.5.1, 39.4.2(2) |
The description regarding the dynamic generation of wrapper beans has been added. Accordingly, the following descriptions have been added or changed:
1.4.2(1), 1.5.1(1), 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 5.2, 5.3.2, 7.2, 7.3.2, 8.2, 8.3.2, 10.9(1), 10.23, 16.1.5, 19.1.2, 29.2, 29.3.2, 31.2, 31.3.2, 33.2, 33.3.2, 38.2, 38.3.2 |
The description on injecting service classes and ports has been added in the javax.xml.ws.WebServiceRef annotation. | 3.6.1, 1.4.2(1), 10.21, 19.3 |
The description regarding injecting or reusing ports for generating service classes and acquiring ports has been added. | 3.6.1(3), 3.6.1(5), 3.6.1(7) |
The value of the context root has been changed and the current directory has been renamed. | 5.1, 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 5.3.6, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 7.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.5.1, 8.1, 8.3.3, 8.3.5, 8.4.1, 8.4.2, 8.5.1, 29.1, 29.3.4, 29.3.5, 29.4.1, 29.5.1, 31.1, 31.3.3, 31.3.4, 31.3.5, 31.4.1, 31.4.2, 31.5.1, 33.1, 33.3.3, 33.3.4, 33.3.5, 33.4.1, 33.4.2, 33.5.1, 38.1, 38.3.3, 38.3.4, 38.3.5, 38.4.1, 38.4.2, 38.5.1, 38.5.2, Appendix B(4) |
The binding results of the wrapper exception class have been changed for soapenv12:Code of the SOAP 1.2 specifications. | 10.4.1 |
The description regarding injecting Web Services context in the javax.annotation.Resource annotation has been added | 10.19(1), 10.21, 10.21.2 |
A sample of the development example of RESTful Web Services has been provided. | 12.1 |
The description on the JSON POJO mapping has been added. | 12.3.1, 12.3.3, 13.1.2(3), 17.1.2(1), 17.1.3, 18 |
The number of child elements of operations that can be coded in the WSDL when mapping from an operation to the name of a Java method has been changed. | 15.1.3(3) |
The notes on entity parameters and return values have been added. | 17.1.2(1), 17.1.2(2), 17.1.3 |
The notes on parameter types for which you can specify the injection annotation have been added. | 17.1.4 |
The description on the javax.xml.ws.WebServiceContext interface has been added. | 19.2.1(2), 19.2.3(2) |
The description on the getBinding() method of the javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider interface has been added. | 19.2.2(1) |
The description on the javax.xml.ws.Binding interface has been added. | 19.2.4(4) |
The description on the setScope(java.lang.String name, MessageContext.Scope scope) method of the javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext interface has been added. | 19.2.4(8) |
The description on how to access a message context from Web Services has been added. | 19.2.5 |
The description on referencing and changing a message context property in Web Services has been added. | 19.2.5(2)(l) |
The description on the support range of the following elements of the WSDL 1.1 specifications has been changed:
20.1.9, 20.1.12, 20.1.14 |
The description on adding codes by using the APIs to set a handler chain of ports has been added. | 36.9.2(1) |
The description on notes has been moved from Release Notes. | 10.6(7), 19.2.5(2)(c), 30.6, 39.3.5(3), 39.3.5(4), Appendix A.1(4), |
The notes regarding the version upgrade from 08-00 to 08-70 through 09-00 have been added. | Appendix A.1(4) |
In addition to the above changes, minor editorial corrections have been made.
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