uCosminexus Application Server, Web Service Development Guide
For details on the prerequisites before reading this manual, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Overview.
Non-supported functionality
Some functionality described in this manual are not supported. The non-supported functionality include:
- Audit log functionality
- Compatibility functionality
- Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor
- Cosminexus DABroker Library
- Cosminexus Reliable Messaging
- Cosminexus TPBroker and VisiBroker
- Cosminexus Web Service - Security
- Cosminexus XML Security - Core functionality
- JP1 linkage functionality
- Management portal functionality
- Migration functionality
- SOAP applications complying with specifications other than JAX-WS 2.1
- uCosminexus OpenTP1 linkage functionality
- Virtualized system functionality
- XML Processor high-speed parse support functionality
Non-supported compatibility functionality
"Compatibility functionality" in the above list refers to the following functionality:
- Basic mode
- Check of JSP source compliance (cjjsp2java) with JSP1.1 and JSP1.2 specifications
- Database connection using Cosminexus DABroker Library
- EJB client application log subdirectory exclusive mode
- J2EE application test functionality
- Memory session failover functionality
- Servlet engine mode
- Simple Web server functionality
- Switching multiple existing execution environments
- Using EJB 2.1 and Servlet 2.4 annotation
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