uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


Appendix B.1 Cosminexus Component Container

The output destination of connection IDs output from Cosminexus Component Container differs depending on the status of transaction processing (normal or abnormal).

In the case of normal processing
Output to a trace based performance analysis file.

In the case of abnormal processing
Output in an exception message when SQLException occurs.

In the trace based performance analysis file, connection IDs are output at the following three timings:

The connection IDs acquired at the above timings are output to the interface name of the trace information of event IDs described in the following table.

Table B-3 Trace based performance analysis where connection IDs are output

Event ID Description
0x8C01 Information output during the processing immediately before the termination of the DataSource.getConnection() method.
0x8C03 Information output during the processing immediately before the termination of the DataSource.getConnection(String username, String password) method.
0x8C20 Information output during the processing immediately after starting the Connection.close() method.
0x8C40 Information output during the invocation of the ManagedConnection.associateConnection() method.

For details about trace collection points and the trace information that you can acquire, see 8.14 Trace collection points of a DB Connector and JCA container.

How to acquire a trace based performance analysis, the exception message when SQLException occurs, and their output format is described below:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Trace based performance analysis file
(2) Exception message when SQLException occurs

(1) Trace based performance analysis file

This is a file that edits and outputs trace information, that is output during a series of processing of requests from the client to an EIS such as databases and until the processing results are returned to the client, to a PRF trace file. The trace information is output in CSV format.

Conditions for output of a connection ID
If all the below-mentioned conditions are fulfilled, the connection ID is output to a trace based performance analysis file:
  • The database used is either of the following:
    HiRDB 07-01 or later version
    Oracle 10g
    Oracle 11g
  • Logical performance tracer is starting
  • A DB Connector is used as the resource adapter.
(a) Points to be noted

The points to be noted when you view a trace based performance analysis are described below:

(b) How to acquire

Acquire the trace based performance analysis file by executing the management command (mngsvrutil). The trace based performance analysis file is output to Manager-log-output-directory\prf (in Windows), or to Manager-log-output-directory/prf (in UNIX). For details about how to acquire a trace based performance analysis file, see 7.3.1 How to collect a trace based performance analysis file.

(c) Output format

An output example of a trace based performance analysis is described below. The connection ID is output in the interface name (INT column).

Figure B-3 Trace based performance analysis output example


(2) Exception message when SQLException occurs

This is a message that indicates that SQLException is thrown as an exception, when an error occurs in the database access, Cosminexus DABroker Library, or JDBC driver.

Conditions for output of a connection ID
If the database in use is either of the following, the connection ID is output in the exception message when SQLException occurs:
  • HiRDB 07-01 or later version
  • Oracle9i
  • Oracle 10g
  • Oracle 11g
(a) Points to be noted

The points to be noted when you view the exception message when SQLException occurs, are described below:

(b) How to acquire

An exception message is output to the following log files when SQLException occurs:

In the part of log file name [n], the file number (From 1 to the total number of files (maximum 16)) is added.

(c) Output format

The connection ID is output at the end of ErrMsg of the message KFDJ00001-E. The example of output is described below. The characters in bold indicate the connection ID.
JP.co.Hitachi.soft.DBPSV_Driver.SQLException: KFDJ00001-E Error occurred at server.
OperationType : 2002
ReturnCode  : -100
ErrorCode   : -404
WarningInfo  : 0
ErrorMsg  : KFPA11404-E Input data too long for column or assignment target in variable 1 [HiRDB_CONNECTION_ID(sds01:7:2988)]

In the case of Oracle
The connection ID is output at the end of ErrMsg of the message ORA-00942. The example of output is described below. The characters in bold indicate the connection ID.
JP.co.Hitachi.soft.DBPSV_Driver.SQLException: KFDJ00001-E Error occurred at server.
OperationType : 2002
ReturnCode  : -200
ErrorCode   : 942
WarningInfo  : 0
ErrorMsg   : ORA-00942: Table or view does not exist. [ORACLE_CONNECTION_ID(ORCL:17:5:920)]
PreparedSQL  : selectSectionID   : 2