uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


Appendix A.3 Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor

The following table describes directory paths to be collected in relation to a Cosminexus Component Container Monitor.

Table A-7 Collection target related to Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor (In Windows)

Type of data File to be collected Default collection destination Data How to collect
Primary Secondary Definition A B
Message log CTM daemon and CTM command log CTM-spool-directory-(ctmspool)/log/CTM-identifier/ctmlog* Y -- -- A C
CTM domain manager log CTM-spool-directory-(ctmspool)/log/ctmdmlog* Y -- -- A C
Dump Thread dump Installation-directory-of-Cosminexus/TPB/logj/javacore* Y -- -- B B
Definition information CTM regulator configuration file CTM-regulator-configuration-file-(ctm.RegOption) Y -- -- A D
OTM gateway configuration file OTM-gateway- configuration -file-(ctm.TSCGwOption) Y -- -- A D

Primary: Primary delivery data
Secondary: Secondary delivery data
Definition: Definition sending data
A: mngsvrutil collect snapshot command
B: snapshotlog command

Note: For details about collection method A and collection method B, see Appendix A.1 (2) Method of collecting snapshot log. For details about the file significance and directory to be collected described in the table, see Appendix A.1 (4) Rules for the coding to be collected.

Table A-8 Collection target related to Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor (In UNIX)

Type of data File to be collected Collection target Data How to collect
Primary Secondary Definition A B
Message log CTM daemon and CTM command log CTM-spool-directory-(ctmspool)/log/CTM-identifier/ctmlog* Y -- -- A C
CTM domain manager log CTM-spool-directory (ctmspool)/log/ctmdmlog* Y -- -- A C
Dump Thread dump Installation-directory-of-Cosminexus/TPB/logj/javacore * Y -- -- B B
core dump Installation-directory-of-Cosminexus/TPB/logj/javacore * -- Y -- B B
Definition information CTM regulator configuration file CTM-regulator- configuration -file-(ctm.RegOption) Y -- -- A D
OTM gateway configuration file OTM-gateway- configuration -file-(ctm.TSCGwOption) Y -- -- A D


Primary: Primary delivery data

Secondary: Secondary delivery data

Definition: Definition sending data

A: mngsvrutil collect snapshot command

B: snapshotlog command

Note: For details about collection method A and collection method B, see Appendix A.1 (2) Method of collecting snapshot log. For details about the file significance and directory to be collected described in the table, see Appendix A.1 (4) Rules for the coding to be collected.