uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


Appendix A.1 Overview of the list of the snapshot log to be collected

This appendix describes the storage location of the snapshot log data and the collection method, directories, and file name described in the list.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Data storage location
(2) Method of collecting snapshot log
(3) Availability of snapshot log collection and changes in settings related to collection
(4) Rules for the coding to be collected

(1) Data storage location

The snapshot log is collected in three files, namely snapshotlog.conf, snapshotlog.2.conf, and snapshotlog.param.conf.

(2) Method of collecting snapshot log

The following types are included in the methods of collecting the snapshot log. The following table describes the method of collecting the snapshot log.

Table A-2 Methods of collecting snapshot log

No. How to collect Category
1 Collecting the log from the Snapshot Log window of the Start/ stop logical server anchor of the management portal Collection method A
2 Executing management command (mngsvrutil collect snapshot command) Collection method A
3 Auto collecting after detecting the error of the logical server Collection method A
4 Execute snapshotlog command using the standard snapshotlog.conf, snapshotlog.2.conf, or snapshotlog.param.conf Collection method B

(3) Availability of snapshot log collection and changes in settings related to collection

In the tables from Table A-5 to Table A-45, availability of collection and availability of changes in settings for the mngsvrutil command or snapshotlog command are categorized with labels. The following table describes each label.

Table A-3 Definition of label used in Table A-5 to Table A-45

Label used in table Default collection Changes in log output destination and storage destination of definition file Collection when log output destination and storage destination of definition file is changed
A Collected. Possible. Possible.
Y Collected. Not possible. Not possible.
C Collected. Possible. Possible but with some restrictions#1.
D Not collected. Not possible. Not possible#2.

You must edit the definition file (snapshotlog.conf, snapshotlog.2.conf, or snapshotlog.param.conf) for collecting the snapshot log and set the file to the directory targeted for collection.

You cannot change the log output destination or storage destination of a definition file. You must edit the definition file (snapshotlog.conf, snapshotlog.2.conf, or snapshotlog.param.conf) for collecting the snapshot log and set the file to the directory targeted for collection.

Also, the Data column from Table A-5 to Table A-45 indicates the data collected when the mngsvrutil command or snapshotlog command is executed.

If the data is collected using another method, or if mngsvrutil collect snapshot 2 is executed, all the data is collected regardless of the contents of the Data column in the table.

The notations and symbols in the Data column are as follows:

(4) Rules for the coding to be collected

The common method to code the directories and files to be collected is as follows:

The following table describes the significance of the files and directories to be collected.

Table A-4 Significance of files and directories to be collected

Directory or file name Contents Default value Changed Value
Installation-directory-of-Cosminexus Installation directory path name of the Application Server
  • In Windows
    Decided when installing the Application Server.
  • In UNIX
CTM-identifier -CTMID option name of ctmstart command -- .+
CTM-spool-directory (ctmspool) Directory path name specified for environment variable CTMSPOOL Installation-directory-of-Cosminexus/CTM/spool &{ctmspool}
DABroker-operation-directory (dabroker) Directory path name set after DABroker installation by dabsetup command /opt/DABroker <DABroker_Oparation>
EJB-client-definition-file-storage-directory Directory path name specified in environment variable CJCLUSRCONFDIR or
directory path name, which executed the cjclstartap command.
-- <ejb.client.definition.file.dir>
EJB-client-log-subdirectory (ejb.client.ejb.log) Sub directory name specified in ejb.client.ejb.log key of usrconf.cfg for Java application system .+
EJB-client-log-subdirectory1 (ejbserver.client.ejb.log) Directory path name specified in ejbserver.client.ejb.log key of usrconf.properties for Java application -- .+
EJB-client-log-subdirectory2 (ejb.client.log.appid) Subdirectory name specified in ejb.client.log.appid key of usrconf.cfg for Java application. ejbcl .+
EJB-client-log-subdirectory2 (ejbserver.client.log.appid) Directory path name specified in ejbserver.client.log.appid key of usrconf.properties for Java application -- .+
EJB-client-log-output-directory (ejb.client.log.directory) Directory path name specified in ejb.client.log.directory key of usrconf.cfg for Java application -- <ejb.client.log.directory>
EJB-client-log-output-directory (ejbserver.client.log.directory) Directory path name specified in ejbserver.client.log.directory key of usrconf.properties for Java application. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/client/logs <ejbserver.client.log.directory>
HCSC-server-property (methodtrace-filepath) Directory path specified in the methodtrace-filepath property with the HCSC server definition command cscsvconfig Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/logs/csc/maintenance <methodtrace-filepath>
HCSC-server-property (requesttrace-filepath) Directory path specified in the requesttrace-filepath property with the HCSC server definition command cscsvconfig Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/logs/csc/maintenance <requesttrace-filepath>
HCSC-repository-root (cscmng.repository.root) Repository root specified in the cscmng.repository.root key of HCSC-Manager definition cscmng.properties Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CSC/repository <cscmng.repository.root>
HCSC-log-output-directory (cscmng.log.dir) Log directory path specified in the cscmng.log.dir key of HCSC-Manager definition cscmng.properties Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CSC/log/manager <cscmng.log.dir>
Directory path name of the file name specified in CustomLog directory of httpsd.conf. Installation-directory-of- HWS/servers/HWS_server-name/logs &{hws.logfile.dir}
Installation-directory-of-HWS Cosminexus HTTP Server installation directory path In Windows
Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/httpsd
HWS-error-log-directory (HttpsdErrorLogFileDir) Directory path name of the file name specified in ErrorLogr directory of httpsd.conf. Installation-directory-of- HWS/servers/HWS_server-name/logs &{hws.logfile.dir}
HWS-cache-server-run-directory (SSLCacheServerRunDir)> Directory path name specified in SSLCacheServerRunDir directory of httpsd.conf HWS-server-root-directory-(ServerRoor) <SSLCacheServerRunDir>
HWS-core-dump-output-directory (CoreDumpDirectory) Directory path name specified in CoreDumpDirectory directory of httpsd.conf Installation-directory-of- HWS/servers/HWS_server-name &{core.dump.directory}
HWS-server-root-directory (ServerRoot) Directory path name specified in ServerRoot directory of httpsd.conf Installation-directory-of- HWS <ServerRoot>
Directory path name of the file name specified in HWSTraceLogFile directory of httpsd.conf Installation-directory-of- HWS/servers/HWS_server-name/logs &{hws.logfile.dir}
HWS-processID-file (PidFile) File name specified in PidFile directory of httpsd.conf Installation-directory-of- HWS/servers/HWS_server-name/logs/httpd.pid <PidFile>
Redirector-log-output-directory-for-HWS (JkLogFileDir) Directory path specified in the JkLogFileDir key of mod_jk.conf Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/server-name/logs &{jklogfiledir}
Redirector-trace-log-output-directory-for-HWS (JkTraceLogFileDir) Directory path specified in the JkTraceLogFileDir key of mod_jk.conf. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/server-name/logs &{jktracelogfiledir}
HWS-request-log-directory (HttpsdRequestLogFileDir) Directory path name of the file name specified in HWSRequestLog directory of httpsd.conf Installation-directory-of- HWS /servers/HWS_server-name/logs &{hws.logfile.dir}
IIS-access-log-directory (IIS_log_dir) Access log output directory path name of Microsoft IIS System-root-directory-(systemroot)/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC1 <IIS_log_dir>
Redirector-trace-log-output-directory-for-IIS (trace_log_file_dir) Directory path name specified in trace_log_file_dir key of isapi_redirect.conf Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/server-name/logs &{jktracelogfiledir}
Redirector-log-output-directory-for-IIS (log_file_dir) Directory path name specified in log_file_dir key of isapi_redirect.conf Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/server-name/logs &{jklogfiledir}
J2EE server working directory (ejb.public.directory) Directory path name specified in the ejb.public.directory key of usrconf.cfg for a J2EE server. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public &{ejb.public.directory}
J2EE-server-log-output-directory (ejb.server.log.directory) Directory path specified in the ejb.server.log.directory key of usrconf.cfg for a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/logs &{ejb.server.log.directory}
JAXR-trace-file name (com.cosminexus.xml.registry.trace.file_path) File path name specified in com.cosminexus.xml.registry.trace.file_path key of system property ${cosminexus.home}/c4web/logs/JAXRAPITrace <com.cosminexus.xml.registry.trace.file_path>
Temporary directory for JSP (webserver.work.directory) Directory path specified in the webserver.work.directory key of usrconf.properties of a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/repository/server-name/web &{webserver.work.directory}
Message-ID-list-file-for-Management-event-publication (manager.mevent.message_id.list) File path name specified in manager.mevent.message_id.list key of mevent.server-name.properties. -- <manager.mevent.message_id.list>
Manager-log-output-directory (com.cosminexus.manager.log.dir) Directory path specified in the com.cosminexus.manager.log.dir key of manager.cfg. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus /manager/log ${com.cosminexus.manager.log.dir}
PRF-identifier -PRFID option name of cprfstart command -- .+
PRF-spool-directory (prfspool) Directory path name specified for environment variable PRFSPOOL Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/PRF/spool &{prfspool}
RM-installation-directory Directory path name specified for environment variable HRMDIR Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/RM <HRMDIR>
Directory path name specified in jp.co.hitachi_system.tp1connector.logdestination key of system property user-home-directory-(user.home) <jp.co.hitachi_system.tp1connector.logdestination>
UNIX-syslog (syslog) syslog file path name in UNIX
  • In AIX
  • In HP-UX
  • In Linux
  • In Solaris
VBROKER_ADM directory
Directory path specified in the environment variable VBROKER_ADM Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/TPB/adm <VBROKER_ADM>
Web container server log output directory (web.server.log.directory) Directory path specified in the web.server.log.directory key of usrconf.cfg for a J2EE server. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/web/containers/server-name/logs <web.server.log.directory>
File where event log of Windows is collected using wmic command -- <EventLog>
Windows-Crash-dump-output-directory (CrashDumpDir) Windows crash dump output destination directory path name (Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista) Users Application Data directory
Windows crash dump file path name
(Other than Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista)
system-drive(SystemDrive)/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Microsoft/Dr Watson/user.dmp <CrashDumpFile>
Windows-Watson-log-file (DrWtsnLogFile) Windows Watson log file path name (Other than Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista) system-drive(SystemDrive)/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Microsoft/Dr Watson/drwtsn32.log <DrWtsnLogFile>
XML Security-Core-trace output directory (com.cosminexus.xml.security.logging.trace_dir) Directory path specified in the com.cosminexus.xml.security.logging.trace_dir key of usrconf.cfg for a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name <com.cosminexus.xml.security.logging.trace_dir>
In-process HTTP server-access-log-file (webserver.logger.access_log.inprocess_http.filename) Directory path specified in the webserver.logger.access_log.inprocess_http.filename key of usrconf.properties for a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/logs/http/cjhttp_access.inprocess_http &{webserver.logger.access_log.inprocess_http.filename}.
statistics-file-output-destination-directory (ejbserver.management.stats_file.dir) Directory path specified in the ejbserver.management.stats_file.dir key of usrconf.properties for a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/stats &{ejbserver.management.stats_file.dir}
Audit-log-output-directory (auditlog.directory) Directory path name specified in auditlog.directory key of audit log definition file. Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/auditlog <auditlog.directory>
Audit-log-message-output-directory (auditlog.raslog.message.directory) Directory path name specified in auditlog.raslog.message.directory key of the Audit log definition file Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/auditlog <auditlog.raslog.message.directory>
Audit-log-exception-output-directory (auditlog.raslog.exception.directory) Directory path name specified in auditlog.raslog.exception.directory key of Audit log definition file Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/auditlog <auditlog.raslog.exception.directory>
Context root Root name of the J2EE web application executed on the server -- .+
Server-management-command-log-output-directory (admin_ejb.server.log.directory) Directory path name specified in the -Dejbserver.log.directory option of USRCONF_JVM_ARGS key of the option definition file for server management commands Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/admin/logs <admin_ejb.server.log.directory>
Server-name Logical server name or real server name set by Management Server -- .+
Directory path name specified for environment variable SystemDrive -- %{SystemDrive}
Directory path name specified for environment variable SystemRoot -- %{SystemRoot}
Status file directory (ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1) Directory path specified in the ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1 key of usrconf.properties of a J2EE server Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/otsstatus &{ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1}
Trace-file-name-of-integrated-user-management (com.cosminexus.admin.auth.trace.prefix) File path name specified in com.cosminexus.admin.auth.trace.prefix option of ua.conf -- <com.cosminexus.admin.auth.trace.prefix>
Batch-application-definition-file-storage-directory Directory path name specified in environment variable CJBATCHUSRCONFDIR or
directory path name, which executed the cjexecjob, cjkilljob, or cjlistjob commands.
-- <batch.application.definition.file.dir>
Batch-application-log-output-directory (batch.log.directory) Directory path name specified in batch.log.directory of usrconf.cfg for batch applications Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/batch/logs <batch.log.directory>
User-Application Data-directory
Directory path name specified for environment variable LOCALAPPDATA -- %{LOCALAPPDATA}
Home directory path name of the executing user
  • In collection method A:
    Home directory of operation management agent start user
  • In collection method B:
    Home directory of the user executing snapshotlog command
-- ${user.home}and <user.home>
Spare status file directory (ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory2) Directory path specified in the ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory2 key of usrconf.properties of a J2EE server -- &{ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory2}
Virtual-server manager-log-directory-of-08-50-mode (vmx.log.dir) Directory path name specified in the vmx.log.dir key of vmx.properties Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus /manager/vmx/log <vmx.log.dir>
Processing-data-storage-directory-of- virtual-server manager-of-08-50-mode (vmx.spool.dir) Directory path name specified in the vmx.spool.dir key of vmx.properties Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus /manager/vmx/spool <vmx.spool.dir>
Processing-data-storage-directory-of- virtual-server manager (vmi.spool.dir) Directory path name specified in the vmi.spool.dir key of vmx.properties Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/manager/vmi/spool <vmi.spool.dir>
server-communication-agent-log-output-directory(sinaviagent.log.dir) Directory path name specified in the sinaviagent.log.dir key of sinaviagent.cfg Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/sinagent/log <sinaviagent.log.dir>
server-communication-agent-processing-data-storage-directory(sinaviagent.spool.dir) Directory path name specified in the sinaviagent.spool.dir key of sinaviagent.cfg Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/sinagent/spool <sinaviagent.spool.dir>
FTP-adapter-installation-directory(ftpadp.home) Installation directory path name of FTP Adapter -- <ftpadp.home>
FTP-adapter-command-message-log-output-destination-directory (ftpadp.command.messagelog.filepath) Directory path name of operation command message log output destination of FTP Adapter FTP-adapter-installation -directory (ftpadp.home)/log <ftpadp.command.messagelog.filepath>
HCSC-mail-adapter-operation-command-message-log-output-destination-directory (mailadp.command.messagelog.filepath) Directory path name of operation command execution log of mail adapter incorporated in Cosminexus Service Coordinator Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus /CSC/log/adapter/command <mailadp.command.messagelog.filepath>
HCSC-mail-adapter-maintenance-log-output-destination-directory(mailadp.methodtrace.filepath) Directory path name specified in the mailadp.methodtrace.filepath property in the execution environment property file of mail adapter Installation-directory-of- Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server name/logs/CSCADP/MAILADP/maintenance/ <mailadp.methodtrace.filepath>
CTM-regulator-setup-file-(ctm.RegOption) Path of the CTM regulator configuration file -- &{ctm.RegOption}
OTM-gateway-setup-file-(ctm.TSCGwOption) Path of the OTM gateway configuration file -- &{ctm.TSCGwOption}
Directory-to-output-temporary-PRF-trace-file-(adminagent.prftrace_dir) Path of the directory to output the temporary PRF trace file Application-Server-installation-directory/manager/tmp ${adminagent.prftrace_dir}
Name-of-Explicit-Memory-Management-functionality-exclusion-setup-file-(jvm.exmemexcludeclass.File) File path specified in the JavaVM extension option -XX:ExplicitMemoryExcludeClassListFile Application-Server-installation-directory/jdk/usrconf/exmemexcludeclass.cfg <jvm.exmemexcludeclass.File>
Name-of-Explicit-Memory-Management-functionality-non-exclusion-setup-file-(jvm.exmemnotexcludeclass.File) File path specified in the JavaVM extension option -XX:ExplicitMemoryNotExcludeClassListFile Application-Server-installation-directory/jdk/usrconf/exmemnotexcludeclass.cfg <jvm.exmemnotexcludeclass.File>
Directory-to-output-the-EADs-client-log-for-EADs-session-failover-functionality-(webserver.eadssfo.eads.logger.dir) Path of the directory to output the EADs client log for the EADs session failover functionality J2EE-server-log-output-directory-(ejb.server.log.directory) <webserver.eadssfo.eads.logger.dir>

--: No default value