uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


11.2.2 Migration of the operation

You must migrate the system operating environment. Change the following contents and then migrate the system operating environment:

  1. Change in the start process
  2. Change in the monitoring methods of the message
Organization of this subsection
(1) Change in the start process
(2) Change in the monitoring methods of the message

(1) Change in the start process

In the in-process transaction service, you are not required to start in the following process.

(2) Change in the monitoring methods of the message

When monitoring the message, there is a change in the output and the contents of the message. You must change the message ID that is to be monitored. The following table describes the changes in the message.

Table 11-3 Changes in the message

Changes In case of out-process transaction service In case of in-process transaction service
Output destination Event log or syslog cjmessage?.log
Range of message ID KFCB29500 to KFCB32401 KFCB40000 to KFCB49999
Documents where the message is mentioned. TPBroker document Manual uCosminexus Application Server Messages

"?" indicates the serial number.