uCosminexus Application Server, Maintenance and Migration Guide


11.2.1 Migration flow

Use the following procedure to migrate the environment:

  1. Unset up of the out process transaction service
  2. Property settings
  3. Change in environment variable
Organization of this subsection
(1) Unset up of the out process transaction service
(2) Property settings
(3) Change in environment variable

(1) Unset up of the out process transaction service

Unset up the out-process transaction service by executing the command for setting up the out process transaction service.

The command to be used differs depending on the timing of executing the command for setting up the out-process transaction service.

(2) Property settings

Execution of setup command is not required in the in-process transaction service. Furthermore, in the in-process transaction service, the system environment definition is customized using the user property file of the J2EE server, however, in the out-process transaction service the system environment definition is customized using the tsdefvalue command. The following table describes the J2EE server property required to be set in the in-process transaction service.

Table 11-1 J2EE server property required to be set in the in-process transaction service

Key name Value Estimated guidelines
ejbserver.distributedtx.enableXidReuseOptimization false --
ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1 Directory to store the status file of the in-process transaction service. You must operate such that the partition of the specified path does not deplete.
Furthermore, in out-process transaction service, environment variable TPFS is customized and deployed on the shared disk. When operation is executed by the HA configuration, you must set the path of the shared disk.

--: Not applicable

When the status file is operated in one phase by the in-process transaction service no settings are required.

For details on the keys, see 2.4 usrconf.properties (User property file of J2EE server) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(3) Change in environment variable

In the in-process transaction service and the out-process transaction service the environment variable where the settings are required are different. Delete the unnecessary environment variable. The following table describes the setting requirements of the environment variable of the transaction service. For details on the settings of the environment variables, see the following manuals: