uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


4.3.4 Type of information output

The following table describes the information output in resource depletion monitoring information. You cannot monitor the number of file descriptors in Windows or AIX. Thread monitoring cannot be used in Linux:

Table 4-5 Information output in resource depletion monitoring information

Information type File name Information overview
Monitoring information of memory depletion Cjmemorywatch The result of monitoring the usage of heap and memory area of JavaVM is output.
This information is output if true is set in the ejbserver.watch.memory.writefile.enabled key of the usrconf.properties.
Monitoring information of depletion of file descriptors cjfiledescriptorwatch The result of monitoring the number of file descriptors using a J2EE server process is output.
This information is output if true is set in the ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.writefile.enabled key of the usrconf.properties.
Monitoring information of thread depletion Cjthreadwatch The result of monitoring the number of threads created by a J2EE server process is output.
This information is output if true is set in the ejbserver.watch.thread.writefile.enabled key of the usrconf.properties.
Monitoring information of thread dump depletion cjthreaddumpwatch The result of monitoring the number of output files of thread dump is output.
This information is output if true is set in the ejbserver.watch.threaddump.writefile.enabled key of the usrconf.properties.
Monitoring information of depletion of queue of pending execution of HTTP requests cjrequestqueuewatch The following two types of queues of requests that are pending for execution are monitored, and results are output as results of monitoring the queue of HTTP requests pending execution:
  • The queue of pending execution of Web applications, for which the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is not set, is monitored and the result of monitoring the stored number of requests is output.
    This information is output if true is set in the ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.writefile.enabled key of the usrconf.properties.
  • The queue of pending execution of Web applications, for which the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is set, is monitored and the result of monitoring the stored number of requests is output.
    This information is output as application attribute if true is set in the <watcher-writefile-enabled> tab below the <war><hitachi-war-property><thread-control><resource-watcher> tab.
Note that if the control of the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is enabled (if true is set in the webserver.container.thread_control.enabled key of the usrconf.properties), this monitoring is performed.
The information about the pending queue for URL groups is not output to the depletion monitoring information of the HTTP request pending queue. Use the statistics collection functionality to monitor the information of the pending queue for URL groups. For the statistics collection functionality, see 3. Monitoring the Statistics (Statistics Collection Functionality).
Monitoring information of depletion of number of sessions cjhttpsessionwatch The result of monitoring the number of sessions for each Web application is output.
This information is output as application attribute if true is set in the <watcher-writefile-enabled> tab below the <war><hitachi-war-property><http-session><resource-watcher> tab.
Monitoring information of depletion of connection pool cjconnectionpoolwatch The result of monitoring the number of connection pools for each resource adapter is output.
This information is output if true is set in the WatchWriteFileEnabled property as resource adapter property.