uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


4.3.3 Settings for the execution environment

You can use the resource depletion monitoring functionality for the J2EE server, the batch server, or for the SFO server. In J2EE servers, the resources that can be monitored include memory, file descriptors, number of threads, thread dumps, HTTP requests pending queue, number of sessions, and connection pools. In batch servers, the resources that can be monitored include memory, file descriptors, number of threads, thread dumps, and connection pools. In SFO servers, the resources that can be monitored include memory, file descriptors, number of threads, and thread dumps. Note that file descriptors cannot be monitored in Windows and AIX. Furthermore, the number of threads cannot be monitored in Linux.

The following settings are required when using the resource depletion monitoring functionality:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting J2EE servers
(2) Settings for Hitachi Connector Property file
(3) Setting J2EE applications

(1) Setting J2EE servers

You implement the J2EE server settings in the Easy Setup definition file. Specify the definition for resource depletion monitoring functionality in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) or logical SFO server (sfo-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. You specify the settings for each batch server in the user properties for the batch server, in the Easy Setup definition file.

The following two definitions are specified for the resource depletion monitoring functionality in the Easy Setup definition file:

(a) Enabling the resource depletion monitoring function

Specify whether you want to use the resource depletion monitoring functionality in the ejbserver.watch.enabled parameter of the <configuration> tag that exists in the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) or the logical SFO server (sfo-server), in the Easy Setup definition file. By default, the resource depletion monitoring function is applied and all the resources are monitored. To disable the resource depletion monitoring functionality, you specify false (disable the resource depletion monitoring functionality) in the ejbserver.watch.enabled parameter.

(b) Setting for monitoring for each resource type

The following table describes the definitions for monitoring each resource type exists in the Easy Setup definition file:

Table 4-4 Definition of the resource depletion monitoring functionality in the Easy Setup definition file

Type of resource Parameters to be specified Setting contents
  • ejbserver.watch.memory.enabled
  • ejbserver.watch.memory.threshold
  • ejbserver.watch.memory.interval
  • ejbserver.watch.memory.writefile.enabled
Specify the settings to monitor the memory for each of the J2EE server, batch server, or SFO server.
Specify the alert issue existence, monitoring threshold value, monitoring interval, and existence of output of resource depletion monitoring log file based on memory monitoring.
Also, specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log files.#1#2
File descriptors
  • ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.enabled
  • ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.threshold
  • ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.interval
  • ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.writefile.enabled
Specify the settings to monitor the file descriptor for each of the J2EE server, batch server, or SFO server.
Specify the alert issue existence, monitoring threshold value, monitoring interval, and existence of output of resource depletion monitoring log file based on file descriptor monitoring.
Also, specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log files.#2
Number of threads
  • ejbserver.watch.thread.enabled
  • ejbserver.watch.thread.threshold
  • ejbserver.watch.thread.interval
  • ejbserver.watch.thread.writefile.enabled
Specify the settings to monitor the number of threads for J2EE server or SFO server.
Specify the alert issue existence, monitoring threshold value, monitoring interval, and existence of output of resource depletion monitoring log file based on the monitoring of the number of threads.
Also, specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log files. #2
Thread dump
  • ejbserver.watch.threaddump.enabled
  • ejbserver.watch.threaddump.threshold
  • ejbserver.watch.threaddump.interval
  • ejbserver.watch.threaddump.writefile.enabled
  • ejbserver.server.threaddump.filenum
Specify the settings to monitor the thread dump for each J2EE server, batch server, or SFO server.
Specify the alert issue existence, monitoring threshold value, monitoring interval, and existence of output of resource depletion monitoring log file based on thread dump monitoring.
Also, specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log files.#2
HTTP requests pending queue
  • ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.enabled
  • ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.threshold
  • ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.interval
  • ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.writefile.enabled
Make the settings for monitoring the default HTTP requests pending queue for each J2EE server.
Specify the alert issue existence, monitoring threshold value, monitoring interval, and existence of output of resource depletion monitoring log file based on the monitoring of the HTTP requests pending queue.
Also, specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log files.#2
Number of sessions -- Specify the number and size of resource depletion monitoring log files in each J2EE server.#2
Connection pool -- Specify the number and size of resource depletion monitoring log files in each J2EE server or batch server.#2

--: None

#1 When monitoring the memory, define the parameter to invoke JavaVM in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) or logical SFO server (sfo-server). Hitachi recommends that you specify -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize, and retain the same memory size in the JavaVM start parameter. If a different value is specified in the memory size, an alert might be issued even during the expansion of the Permanent area. The following contents are to be specified for the JavaVM start parameter:

<param-name> tag

<param-value> tag

To detect full garbage collection in advance, you need to tune the size of the Old area and New area of JavaVM.

#2 Specify the number of files and the size for the resource depletion monitoring log file in the following parameters of the Easy Setup definition file:

In these parameters, specify the channel name for each resource type as the name of the resource to be monitored.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and the parameters to be specified, see 4.6 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(2) Settings for Hitachi Connector Property file

Make the settings for monitoring the connection pool in each resource adapter. You implement the resource adapter property settings using the server management commands and the Hitachi Connector Property file.

Specify the issuing of alert, monitoring threshold values, monitoring intervals, and application of resource depletion monitoring log file output based on monitoring the connection pool in the <WatchEnabled>, <WatchThreshold>, <WatchInterval>, and <WatchWriteFileEnabled> tag specified as the <property-name> tag of the Hitachi Connector Property file.

For details on the tags to be specified, see 4.1 Hitachi Connector Property file in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.

For resource adapter property settings in the server management commands and the Hitachi Connector Property file, see 3.5.1 Procedure for setting the properties of a J2EE resource adapter in the uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide.

(3) Setting J2EE applications

You implement the settings for the J2EE applications in the execution environment using the server management commands and the property files. Use the WAR property file to define the resource depletion monitoring functionality.

The tags specified in the WAR property file correspond to cosminexus.xml. For details on the definitions of cosminexus.xml, see 4.3.2 Definition in cosminexus.xml.