Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


Appendix J.1 Windows user permissions required for setting user rights

Before setting user rights, make sure that the Windows user permissions listed in the table below have been set.

Table J-1 Windows user permissions required for setting user rights

Operating system and computer Required permissions
Windows NT 4.0 Administrators group permissions, or other appropriate permissions
Windows 2000 or later# Local computer Administrators group permissions, or other appropriate permissions. If the local computer is in a domain, Domain Admins group permissions are required.
Workstation or server in a domain Domain Admins group or Enterprise Admins group in Active Directory, or other appropriate permissions.
Domain controller or workstation on which the Windows Server 2003 Administrative Tool pack is installed
Domain controller

From the point of view of security, consider logging in with a user account other than the system administrator and then using Execute as another user to set user rights using the system administrator account.