Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


Appendix G.2 Connection directions

The table below lists the connection directions.

Table G-2 Connection directions

Name of the program that requires configuration Port number/protocol Connection direction
JP1/Remote Control Manager,
JP1/Remote Control Agent
30003/TCP JP1/Remote Control Manager --> JP1/Remote Control Agent
30004/TCP JP1/Remote Control Manager --> JP1/Remote Control Agent
30005/TCP JP1/Remote Control Manager <-> JP1/Remote Control Agent
30006/TCP JP1/Remote Control Manager <-- JP1/Remote Control Agent
30007/TCP JP1/Remote Control Manager <-- JP1/Remote Control Agent

-->: From left to right
<->: Both directions -- from left to right and from right to left
<--: From right to left

When a port that is not listed in the table above is used for connection, the connection direction of that port is the opposite of the direction assigned to the currently used port. The range of port numbers that can be used depends on the operating system.