Job Management Partner 1/Remote Control Description and Operator's Guide


Appendix A.3 Agent Manager window menus

The table below shows the menu items of the Agent Manager window.

Table A-5 Agent Manager window menus

Menu bar Menu item Description
File New Folder Creates a new folder.
Agent Creates a new agent.
Separator Inserts a separator.
Network Creates a network used to define an agent search range.
Request server Creates a new request server.
Import From System File Creates an agent list by importing data from a backup file.
Hosts File Creates an agent list by importing data from a hosts file.
Start Starts the selected request server. This menu command is displayed only when you select an inactive request server.
Stop Terminates the selected request server. This menu command is displayed only when you select an active request server.
Connect# Connects to a selected agent. This item is not displayed when a network or request server is selected.
Search Searches for an agent machine according to the settings for a selected network. This item is displayed only when a network is selected.
Delete# Deletes a selected item.
Rename Changes the name of a folder, agent or request server.
Properties Displays the properties of a folder, agent or request server, enabling you to modify them.
Save# Saves the current configuration information into a default backup file.
Save As Saves the current configuration information into a file named by the user.
Close Closes the Agent Manager window.
Edit Undo# Cancels the deletion, movement, or modification of data.
Cut Cuts a selected item.
Copy Copies a selected item.
Paste Pastes a cut or copied item to the agent list.
Select All# Selects all items in the selected folder.
Switch# Reverses the selected items and unselected items.
Shift Upward# Moves a selected item one line up.
Shift Downward# Moves a selected item one line down.
Find# Enables you to specify a keyword used to search for an agent in the Agent Manager window.
Find Next# Searches for an agent in the Agent Manager window using a keyword.
View List Agents Displays the agent list.
History Displays a connection history to agents.
Toolbar Displays tool buttons.
Status bar Displays the status bar.
Word Wrap# Displays a selected item so that it wraps around.
Separate# Lines Displays separators in line units. You can simultaneously display column separators.
Rows Displays separators in column units. You can simultaneously display line separators.
Highlight Selected Line# Highlights all sub-items (address, description, and created date/time) of a selected item.
Adjust Column Position Displays sub-items (address, description, and created date/time) so that they are accommodated within the window.
Tools Options Customizes operations in the Agent Manager window.
Help Contents Displays the contents of the JP1/Remote Control online help.
Version Displays the version of JP1/Remote Control Manager.

These items are available for both the agent list and connection history. Other items are available only for the agent list.