Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide



The rdsafcdef command registers a distribution-destination system in an ID group, deletes a distribution-destination system from an ID group, and executes a job with an ID group specified.


  1. Registers a distribution-destination system in an ID group registered with the relay system.
  2. Deletes a distribution-destination system from an ID group registered with the relay system.
  3. Executes a job according to a specified ID group among jobs stored in a temporary job storehouse, for a specified distribution-destination system. However, the job runs when the next ID job executes.


  1. Registering a distribution-destination system in an ID group
    rdsafcdef -e
         -i ID-group [-k password]
         {-c client-host-name[client-host-name...]
         |-f client-list-file-name}
  2. Deleting a distribution-destination system from an ID group
    rdsafcdef -r
         -i ID-group
         {-c client-host-name[client-host-name...]
         |-f client-list-file-name}
  3. Executing a job with an ID group specified
    rdsafcdef -x
         -i ID-group
         {-c client-host-name[client-host-name...]
         |-f client-list-file-name}


-c client-host-name
Specify the host name of a distribution-destination system to be registered, deleted, or subject to job execution.

This option registers a distribution-destination system in an ID group.

-f client-list-file-name
With an absolute path, specify the name of a client list file that specifies a distribution-destination system to be registered, deleted, or subject to job execution.
Create a client list file by describing the host name of each distribution-destination system on one line. The system regards a line that starts with # as a comment. An example of the description follows.
#1F-PC ... Comment
dmp101 ... Host name of a distribution-destination system

-i ID-group
Specify an ID group subject to operation. When you specify this option together with the -e option, you cannot specify the default ID (ID group starting with networkID_).
You can specify only an ID group created with the managing server.

-k password
Specify the password set for a specified ID group.

This option deletes a distribution-destination system from an ID group.

This option executes a job for an ID group.

End code

End code Meaning
0 Command processing terminated normally.
1 An attempt to register or delete a part or all of the distribution-destination systems or to create an ID job failed.
98 The system rejected a command request.
99 JP1/Software Distribution Client has not started yet.
252 File access error
253 System error
254 The user who entered the command is not the system administrator.
255 A specified option is invalid.




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