Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide
Use a text editor to create the host file. The following shows the naming rules and the format of the host file.
- Organization of this subsection
- (1) Name of the host file
- (2) Format of the host file
In either of the following directory, create the host file:
- For other than HP-UX: /NETMRDS/binder/host/
- For HP-UX: /etc/opt/NETMDMW/binder/host/
Conform to the following rules when naming the host file.
- You can use 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters including hyphens and underscores to assign a name to the host file.
- NETMDMHOST and DMHOSTnn (nn: 01 to 09) cannot be used as file names.
- When using JP1/Software Distribution (UNIX or Windows NT version) as the managing server, use the host name defined at the managing server as the file name. If the host name contains more than 20 characters, use the IP address as the host file name.
Create the host file in the following format:
- attribute-name
- In attribute-name, specify an item you want to set in the host file.
- value
- In value, specify the value of attribute-name you want to set for the UNIX machine.
The description format of the host file is shown below.
- You can enter a space instead of a tab ().
- If you enter a pound sign (#) in the first column, the line is assumed to be a comment.
- Each line in the host file can contain up to 256 bytes including the code () for the pressed Enter key.
- If you specify the same attribute name more than once, only the last one specified takes effect. All the other attributes specified before the last one are ignored.
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