Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide


6.6.3 Host file syntax

This subsection describes the items you may specify in the host file.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Details

(1) Format

When connecting a relay system to a managing server that uses JP1/Software Distribution (UNIX or Windows NT version):
ManagingHost host-name
ProtocolKind TCP
[RetryCount retry-count]
[RetryInterval retry-interval]
[DeliveryRetryCount retry-count]
[DeliveryRetryInterval retry-interval]

When packaging software with attributes different from the settings file:
[ManagingHost host-name]
[RetryCount retry-count]
[RetryInterval retry-interval]
[DeliveryRetryCount retry-count]
[DeliveryRetryInterval retry-interval]

(2) Details

ManagingHost host-name ~ <uppercase alphabetic characters, numerics, hyphens, underscores, or periods> ((1 to 64 characters))
In host-name, specify the host name of the managing server to which you want to connect the local UNIX machine (one of the host names specified in the /etc/hosts file).

ProtocolKind TCP
Specify TCP as the communication protocol for the managing server.

RetryCount retry-count ~ <unsigned integer>((1 to 9)) (number of times)
In retry-count, specify the maximum number of times the system performs a retry if it cannot establish an association or connection with the managing server. If you specify 9, the system will retry endlessly.
The relay system not directly connected to the managing server ignores this attribute.
If you do not specify this attribute, the system uses the same attribute in the settings file.

RetryInterval retry-interval ~ <unsigned integer>((1 to 99)) (in units of 10 seconds)
In retry-interval, specify the interval at which the system performs a retry if it cannot establish an association or connection with the managing server. Specify a value in units of 10 seconds. For example, a retry interval of 1 indicates 10 seconds.
The relay system not directly connected to the managing server ignores this attribute.
If you do not specify this attribute, the system uses the same attribute in the settings file.

DeliveryRetryCount retry-count ~ <unsigned integer>((0 to 9)) (number of times)
In retry-count, specify the maximum number of times the system performs a retry if the package distribution command or the resource collection command fails. If you specify 0, the system does not perform a retry.
If you do not specify this attribute, the system uses the same attribute in the settings file.

DeliveryRetryInterval retry-interval ~ <unsigned integer>((1 to 99)) (in units of 10 seconds)
In retry-interval, specify the interval at which the system performs a retry if a line failure occurs while the system is executing the package distribution command or the resource collection command. Specify a value in units of 10 seconds. For example, a retry interval of 1 indicates 10 seconds. Note that if the DeliveryRetryCount attribute is set to 0, the system ignores the DeliveryRetryInterval attribute.
If you do not specify this attribute, the system uses the same attribute in the settings file.



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