Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide
The following shows how to estimate the disk space requirement for the relay system.
A temporary work directory is required when a package is installed in a relay system. You can obtain the size of the work directory by subtracting
from the result of the above formula.
For JP1/Software Distribution Client, the name of the work directory is as follows:
- For systems other than HP-UX: /NETMRDS
- For HP-UX: /var/opt/NETMDMW
The name /NETMRDS in an OS other than HP-UX is a symbolic link to the directory that is actually used as the work directory. The actual work directory name might be /opt/NETMRDS.
To use the relay system also as a packager, add the disk space shown in 6.2.3 Disk space requirement for the packager.
When using the following functions, add the disk space.
- Organization of this subsection
- (1) Client services
- (2) Generator tools
(1) Client services
(a) Installation when the system stops or starts
Installing a package when the system stops or starts requires as much free disk space as the size of the package.
(b) Recovery from an installation failure
When the recovery facility creates a backup copy of the previous version of the package, it requires as much disk space as the previous version of the package.
- For a Hitachi program product
- For another company's software
- When the recovery facility is used to distribute the HP-UX version of another company's software, the standard OS installation command swinstall is executed at the distribution-destination systems with the -x autorecover_product=true option specified. Because the files created by the installation are backed up, as much disk space as that used for the backup is required.
- For user data and a user program (when a backup list is not used)
The following shows an example of calculating the total file name length.
- For user data and a user program (when a backup list is used)
(c) Package distribution with an ID group specified
The temporary job storehouse of the relay system stores the job that specifies the ID group during package distribution with an ID group specified. This requires the following amount of disk space in the relay system:
(d) Resource collection
The temporary collection storehouse stores collected resources. A relay system directly connected to the managing server containing the temporary collection storehouse stores the resources collected from the subordinate distribution-destination systems and the local workstation. A relay system connected to a relay system that does not contain the temporary collection storehouse also temporarily stores the resources collected from the subordinate distribution-destination systems and the local workstation. This requires disk space for storing collected resources in a relay system. The following shows the disk space requirement for storing a resource.
(e) System configuration file
To log the system configuration of all the clients under a relay system, the following amount of disk space is required in the relay system.
(f) Distribution situation file
For a relay system to log the distribution status of the packages that were transferred through it, requires the following amount of disk space in the relay system.
(g) Log file
- Message log file for the client services
- The following shows the amount of disk space required by the files below.
- For systems other than HP-UX: /NETMRDS/rdsprm/MAIN.LOGF
- For HP-UX: /var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/MAIN.LOGF
If the maximum value specified in MaxEntryofMessage is exceeded, information is overwritten.
- Hitachi program product distribution information
- The following files require 128 kilobytes of disk space. If file size exceeds 128 kilobytes, information is overwritten.
- For systems other than HP-UX:/NETMRDS/rdsprm/PPINS.LOGF
- For HP-UX: /var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/PPINS.LOGF
- Distribution information about another company's software
- The following files require 10,240 kilobytes of disk space. If the file size exceeds 10,240 kilobytes, the existing information is moved to the ISVSOFT.LOGF.bak backup file, and new information is output to ISVSOFT.LOGF.
- For systems other than HP-UX: /NETMRDS/rdsprm/ISVSOFT.LOGF
- For HP-UX: /var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/ISVSOFT.LOGF
- The size of the ISVSOFT.LOGF file can be changed using the operating-environment settings file. For details on this file, see 6.8.2 Items set in the operating-environment settings file.
- OS patch distribution information
- The following files store messages output during unarchiving and installation command execution of OS patches. For both files, the currently stored messages are replaced with new ones every time an OS patch distribution job is executed. If multiple OS patch distribution jobs are created and executed, the files store the messages for each of the distributed OS patches.
- For systems other than HP-UX:
- For HP-UX
- File for storing information output during collection processing by a user program
- The following files require 20 kilobytes of disk space: If the file size exceeds 20 kilobytes, information is overwritten.
- For systems other than HP-UX:/NETMRDS/rdsprm/CF.LOGF
- For HP-UX:/var/opt/NETMDMW/rdsprm/CF.LOGF
(2) Generator tools
(a) Installation-scheduled packages
The disk space requirement for the directory for installation-scheduled packages (/opt/NETMDMGF/HOKAN/).
(b) Log file
- Log file for the generator tools (/opt/NETMDMGF/GF.LOGF)
If the file size exceeds the disk capacity shown above, information is overwritten.
- Error log for the generator tools (/opt/NETMDMGF/.dmgflog)
- The following files require 13,380 kilobytes of disk space. If the file size exceeds 13,380 kilobytes, information is overwritten.
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