Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1


2.2.1 Settings in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box

The Software Distribution Packaging dialog box consists of the pages listed in Table 2-1. The pages that will actually be displayed will depend on the package type. If you attempt to execute packaging without specifying all required information, an error message will be displayed.

To package another company's software, you can use one of the following four methods:

  1. Use an AIT file and a program product ID file.
  2. Use a recorder file, an installation definition file, and a program product ID file.
  3. Use only a recorder file.
  4. Use neither an AIT file nor a recorder file.

The explanation below assumes methods 1 and 2. For details on packaging using methods 3 and 4, see 2.2.15 Variations in packaging other companies' software.

Table 2-1 Pages in the Software Distribution Packaging dialog box

Page name Package type
Hitachi program product Other companies' software User programs and data
Packaging Information Y Y Y
System Conditions Y Y Y
Software Conditions Y Y Y
File Properties N Y Y
Schedule Y Y Y
Installation Method Y Y Y
Options Y Y Y
Create Icon N N Y
External Program Y Y Y
Setup Information N Y N
AIT File N Y#1 N
Recorder File N Y#1 N
Select Components Y#2 N N

Y: Displayed. N: Not displayed.

The AIT File page is included only when you are using an AIT file; the Recorder File page is included only when you are using a recorder file.

Included only when you package JP1/Software Distribution Client.