Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


2.6.2 Checking for unauthorized software installations (Unauthorized Install List)

By using the Unauthorized Install List job menu, you can check for installation of unauthorized software assets.

To set the permission to install registered software assets, use the Installed Software window. To register the name of newly installed software from JP1/Software Distribution's inventory information, use the Server Setup dialog box.

For details about the setup method in the Installed Software window, see 4.7 Changing information about installed software (Installed Software). For details about the settings for permitting installation when new software assets are registered from JP1/Software Distribution, see 5.3.7 Setting Link with JP1/SD in the Planning and Setup Guide.

To determine whether the installation of software is permitted, check the Unauthorized Install List window that is displayed by clicking the Unauthorized Install List job menu. The following figure shows the Unauthorized Install List window.

Figure 2-75 Unauthorized Install List window


Organization of this subsection
(1) Displaying a breakdown by group
(2) Displaying a list of devices on which software is installed
(3) Downloading the search results

(1) Displaying a breakdown by group

In totaled results, clicking a link under Installed software name displays the number of devices on which that software asset has been installed for each group.

The following figure shows the window that displays a breakdown by group of the number of devices on which a software asset has been installed.

Figure 2-76 Window displaying a breakdown by group (Unauthorized Install List)


(2) Displaying a list of devices on which software is installed

In the window that displays a breakdown by group, clicking a link under Group name displays a list of devices on which the corresponding software has been installed. The following figure shows the window that displays the devices on which the software asset has been installed.

Figure 2-77 Window displaying the devices on which a software asset has been installed (Unauthorized Install List)


(3) Downloading the search results

You can download the search results list as a CSV file. To do this, select the check box for the desired software, and then click the CSV button. The search results are downloaded as a CSV file.

The information that is downloaded to a CSV file includes Installed software name, Install software version, File name, File size, File date, Package ID, Package former attribute, Group name, Asset No., and User name.