Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


4.7 Changing information about installed software (Installed Software)

By using the Installed Software job menu, you can manage the names of installed software assets. This job also manages whether installation and licenses for each such software asset are to be permitted.

By default, only the administrator can execute Installed Software.

To manage installed software assets, use the Installed Software window, which is displayed by clicking the Installed Software job menu. The following figure shows the Installed Software window.

Figure 4-22 Installed Software window


Installed software name displays the installed software name and version. If a file name has been registered, the file name, file size, and file date are also displayed. If a package ID has been acquired, the package former attribute and package ID are also displayed.

For each installed software, in addition to the name and version, the following information is set in order to manage its licenses:

Organization of this section
4.7.1 Registering an installed software name
4.7.2 Changing the installed software information
4.7.3 Assigning to a software name
4.7.4 Deleting an installed software name