Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


2.1.6 Checking the number of devices that require stocktaking (Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices)

By using the Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices job menu, you can total the number of devices for which stocktaking has not been completed by group or location. You can check the progress of stocktaking jobs, and perform stocktaking for devices that require stocktaking.

To total the number of devices for which stocktaking has not been performed, start from the Totals for Non-Stocktaking Devices window, which is displayed by clicking the Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices job menu. The following figure shows the Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices window.

Figure 2-10 Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices window


A list is displayed of devices whose device status category is Active, but for which stocktaking has not been performed since the date entered in Stocktaking start date in the search conditions.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Totaling the devices for which stocktaking has not been executed by group
(2) Totaling the devices for which stocktaking has not been executed by location
(3) Displaying a breakdown of the totaled results
(4) Downloading the totaled results

(1) Totaling the devices for which stocktaking has not been executed by group

To total the devices for which stocktaking has not been performed for each group, select Group name as the search condition in Totals by. To narrow down the range of groups to total, use a simple search condition or the Browse button to specify desired groups.

(2) Totaling the devices for which stocktaking has not been executed by location

To total the devices for which stocktaking has not been performed for each location, select Location as the search condition in Totals by. To narrow down the range of locations to total, use a simple search condition or the Browse button to specify desired locations.

(3) Displaying a breakdown of the totaled results

From displayed totaled results, clicking a link under Device type displays a breakdown by device type. From here, you can also display details about individual devices. For details about how to view and edit details about an individual device, see 2.8 Managing device details.

The following figure shows the window that displays a breakdown of totaled results by device type.

Figure 2-11 Window that displays a breakdown of totaled results by device type (Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices)


(4) Downloading the totaled results

You can download the totaled list of devices for which stocktaking has not been performed as a CSV file. To do this, in the Totals of Stocktaking-Unexecuted Devices window or the window that displays the breakdown of totaled results, click the CSV button.

The information that is downloaded as a CSV file includes Group name, Asset No., Device name, Device type, Reg. date, User name, Status, Location, Start date of use, and End date of use.