Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


11.9.2 Error when inventory information is referenced

This section describes the errors that may occur when Inventory tab is selected in the Device Details dialog box in order to reference inventory information, and their principal causes and actions.

Organization of this subsection
(1) A message such as "There is no applicable device on JP1/Software Distribution" is displayed, and no inventory information is displayed
(2) A message such as "Inventory information cannot be displayed" is displayed, and no inventory information is displayed

(1) A message such as "There is no applicable device on JP1/Software Distribution" is displayed, and no inventory information is displayed

The following are the possible causes:

(2) A message such as "Inventory information cannot be displayed" is displayed, and no inventory information is displayed

The connection destination might be a database other than JP1/Software Distribution, or the connection settings might be invalid.

Specify the correct database connection settings, and in the Server Setup dialog box, correctly specify JP1/SD database login ID and Connection service for JP1/SD database in Link with JP1/SD.