Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


11.5.5 Re-creating the jp1asset Web service extension

If Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003 is used to run the asset management server, installing Asset Information Manager automatically registers Web service extensions under the name jp1asset. If this Web service extension has been deleted by mistake, first re-create the jp1asset Web service extension, and then create an application pool. For details about how to create application pools, see one of the following subsections, as applicable:

To create the jp1asset Web service extension using Windows Server 2003:

  1. Start Internet Information Service Manager.
  2. Select Web Service Extensions for the asset management server.
  3. Make sure the Extended tab is selected, and then select Add a new Web service extension.
    The New Web Service Extension dialog box opens.
  4. Specify a desired name for Extension name.
    For example, you can specify a name such as aim for Extension name.
  5. Click the Add button.
    The Add file dialog box opens.
  6. From the dialog box that opens when the Browse button is clicked, specify a file and click the Open button.
    Add all of the following files, which are stored in the asset management server's virtual directory:
    • jamwscript.dll
    • bin\jamlogin.dll
    • jamenter.dll
    • jamfile.dll
    • jamhtmlfile.dll
    In the default, the asset management server's virtual directory is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\wwwroot.
  7. Check the box for Set extension status to Allowed.
  8. Click the OK button.
    The New Web Service Extension dialog box closes and the Web service with the specified extension is added to the Web Service Extensions list.

For details about how to create the jp1asset Web service extension using Windows Server 2008, see 5.8.2(5) Setting ISAPI restrictions.