Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.8.2 Setting the Web server (for Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5)

This subsection describes the settings that are required when Asset Information Manager is installed, and provides notes that are applicable if you are using Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Installing the role services
(2) Registering the extensions of the files to be uploaded
(3) Creating application pools
(4) Setting applications (virtual directories)
(5) Setting ISAPI restrictions
(6) Setting ISAPI filters
(7) Setting handler mappings
(8) Specifying the directory browse settings
(9) Adding an Asset Information Manager site
(10) Notes on creating a site

(1) Installing the role services

If you are using Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5, you must install the appropriate role services.

To install the role services for Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5:

  1. In the Server Manager window, choose Roles, and then Add Roles Service.
    A dialog box for selecting role services is displayed.
  2. Select the role services according to the purpose for which they are needed, and then click the Next button.
    A dialog box confirming the installation options is displayed.
    The following table lists and describes the role services that can be selected when the asset management server and WSUS server are configured.

    Table 5-13 Role services that can be selected when the asset management server and WSUS server are configured

    Item Role service Asset management server WSUS server
    Common HTTP Features Static Content S S
    Default Document R --
    Directory Browse S --
    HTTP Errors R R
    Application Development ASP.NET -- S
    ISAPI Extensions S --
    ISAPI Filters S --
    Performance Static Content Compression R --
    IIS Management Console S S
    IIS 6 Management Compatibility IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility S S

    S: Role service whose selection is required.
    R: Role service whose selection is recommended.
    --: Not applicable.

  3. Make sure that the role services selected in step 2 are displayed, and then click the Install button.
    When installation is completed, a dialog box reporting the installation result is displayed.
  4. Click the Close button.

(2) Registering the extensions of the files to be uploaded

Register in Internet Information Service Manager the information related to the extensions of the files to be uploaded as file attachments into each window operation or Item.

To register the information related to file extensions:

  1. Start Internet Information Service Manager.
  2. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, jp1asset, and then MIME types.
  3. From the Action menu, choose Add.
    The Add MIME type dialog box appears.
  4. Register the extension and MIME type to be used and click the OK button.
    For details about MIME types, see Help in Internet Information Service Manager.

(3) Creating application pools

You need to set up an application pool in Internet Information Service Manager.

To create an application pool:

  1. Start Internet Information Service Manager.
  2. Choose Application Pools of the asset management server.
  3. From the Action menu, choose Add Application Pool.
    The Add Application Pool dialog box appears.
  4. In Name, enter a desired application pool name, set Managed pipeline mode to Classic, and then click the OK button.
    Do not include =, :, or , in the application pool name. If these characters are used, the application pool name will not be displayed in the combo box in the Virtual Directory Settings dialog box.
  5. Select the newly created application pool, and then from the Action menu, choose Advanced Settings.
    The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.
  6. Specify the required settings, and then click the OK button.
    In the Advanced Settings dialog box, specify the following settings. The other items may be set to the default value.
    Queue Length: 4000
    Enable 32-Bit Applications: True (applicable only to the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008)
    Process Model
    Identity: LocalSystem
    Ping Enabled: False
    Idle Time-out (minutes): 0
    Rapid-Fail Protection
    Enabled: False
    Isapi Reported Unhealthy: True
    Manual Recycle: True
    Specific Time: True
    Application Pool Configuration Changed: True
    Request Limit Exceeded: True
    Disable Recycling for Configuration Changes: True
    Regular Time Interval (minutes): 0
  7. From the Action menu, choose Recycling.
    The Edit Application Pool Recycling Settings dialog box appears.
  8. Clear all check boxes for the recycle conditions, and then click the Next button.
  9. Of the recycling events that are to be logged, select the check boxes for the recycling events that you wish to be logged during recycling of the application pool, and then click the Finish button.
    Hitachi recommends that you select all enabled check boxes. If there is any recycling event that you wish not to be logged during recycling of the application pool, clear its check box, and then click the Finish button.
  10. Restart World Wide Web Publishing Service.

(4) Setting applications (virtual directories)

If you added the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility role service after installing Asset Information Manager, you must set applications (virtual directories) using Internet Information Service Manager.

To create new applications (virtual directories):

  1. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, and then from the right-click menu, choose Add Application.
    The Add Application dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Select button and specify the application pool created in Application Pools.
  3. In Physical path, specify the virtual directory for the asset management server, and then click the OK button.
    The default virtual directory for the asset management server is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\wwwroot.

To change the settings of existing applications (virtual directories):

  1. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, jp1asset, and then from the Action menu, choose Advanced Settings.
    The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.
  2. Specify the created application pool in Application Pools and the asset management server's virtual directory in Physical path, and then click the OK button.
    The default virtual directory for the asset management server is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\wwwroot.

(5) Setting ISAPI restrictions

If you added the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility and ISAPI Extensions role services after you installed Asset Information Manager, you must set ISAPI restrictions in Internet Information Service Manager.

To set ISAPI restrictions:

  1. Choose the asset management server, and then choose ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
  2. From the Action menu, choose Add.
    The Add ISAPI or CGI Restriction dialog box appears.
  3. In ISAPI or CGI path, specify the file path, select the Allow extension path to execute check box, and then click the OK button.
    In ISAPI or CGI path, specify the path to the following files that have been stored in the asset management server's virtual directory:
    • jamwscript.dll
    • bin\jamlogin.dll
    • jamenter.dll
    • jamfile.dll
    • jamhtmlfile.dll
    Repeat steps 1 through 3 to add all of these files.
    The default virtual directory for the asset management server is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\wwwroot.

(6) Setting ISAPI filters

If you added the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility and ISAPI Filters role services after you installed Asset Information Manager, you must specify the ISAPI filters settings in Internet Information Service Manager.

To specify the ISAPI filters settings:

  1. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, and then ISAPI Filters.
  2. From the Action menu, choose Add.
    The Add ISAPI Filter dialog box appears.
  3. In Executable, specify the file path, and then click the OK button.
    In Executable, specify the path to bin\jamssessionfilter.dll that has been stored in the Asset Information Manager installation folder.
    There is no need to change Filter name.

(7) Setting handler mappings

If you added the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility role service after you installed Asset Information Manager, you must set handler mappings using Internet Information Service Manager.

To set handler mappings:

  1. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, jp1asset, and then choose Handler Mappings.
  2. From the Action menu, choose Edit Feature Permissions.
    The Edit Feature Permissions dialog box appears.
  3. Select all check boxes (Read, Script, and Execute), and then click the OK button.

(8) Specifying the directory browse settings

If you added the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility and Directory Browse role services after you installed Asset Information Manager, you must specify the directory browse settings in Internet Information Service Manager.

To specify the directory browse settings:

  1. From the asset management server's Sites, choose Default Web Site, jp1asset, log, and then choose Directory Browse.
  2. From the Action menu, choose enable.

(9) Adding an Asset Information Manager site

If Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0 or 7.5 is used, in order to use Asset Information Manager from Microsoft Internet Explorer, you must add an Asset Information Manager site. The same setting also is required when you need to view the Asset Information Manager information from other program products such as JP1/IM.

To add the Asset Information Manager site:

  1. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, choose Tools and then choose Internet Options.
    The Internet Options dialog box opens.
  2. On the Security tab, choose the Local intranet icon and then click the Sites button.
  3. In the displayed dialog box, add the Asset Information Manager site and click the Close button.

(10) Notes on creating a site

For notes on installing Asset Information Manager in a 64-bit OS, see F(1) Notes on installing Asset Information Manager in a 64-bit OS.