Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


11.3.1 How to identify the cause of an error

This section explains how to check errors on the asset management server and with a Web browser.

Organization of this subsection
(1) How to identify an error at the asset management server
(2) How to identify an error in the Web browser

(1) How to identify an error at the asset management server

  1. Check the message log file for error messages.
  2. If an error message has been issued, identify the nature of the error, which will be one of the following:
    • Error in the asset management database
    • Error in a program that is linked to Asset Information Manager
    • Error in Microsoft Internet Information Services
  3. For an access error in the asset management database, check the message log.
  4. For an error in a program that is linked to Asset Information Manager, check the message log file for a program linkage error.
  5. For an error in Microsoft Internet Information Services, check the log of Microsoft Internet Information Services for a communication sequence error.
    If there is no error in the communication sequence, an error may have occurred between Microsoft Internet Information Services and the Web browser.

(2) How to identify an error in the Web browser

If a runtime error occurs, an unsupported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer might be running. Make sure that the supported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer and all required service packs have been installed. For details about the Microsoft Internet Explorer versions, see 4.1.1(2) Prerequisite client programs.