Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


10.4 Defining the Item window (Form Designer)

This section describes how to define each worker's window (Item window) that is used when an Item is processed.

Form Designer is used to define each worker's window that is used to process an Item. To display Form Designer, choose the Items Window icon ([Figure]) for the node defined in Flow Designer, and then click the Edit button.

If the status of the Item displayed from Flow Designer is Exhibit or Not exhibit, the Item's definition cannot be edited.

Item window definition sequence
Define the Item windows sequentially beginning with the first node at the left that was defined by Flow Designer. The Item window for this first node is for the worker who creates the Item. This Item window becomes the template for defining the Item windows for the other nodes. This helps you define the Item windows efficiently.
The items defined in the Item window for the first node at the left are inherited by the Item windows for all subsequent nodes. If you add an item to the Item window for a node other than the first node, the Item window is no longer inherited to the subsequent nodes.
Therefore, basically, you define all items that can be used for the Item in the Item window for the first node at the left. If any of these items are not needed for a particular worker, you can hide them at that stage.

A session is not closed while Form Designer is displayed in editable status (the time setting of Session Information in the Server Setup dialog box does not apply). Therefore, you must close Form Designer when you are no longer using it.
Organization of this section
10.4.1 Names of Form Designer components and how to use them
10.4.2 Defining a window
10.4.3 Inserting objects
10.4.4 Adjusting an object's style and position
10.4.5 Defining a table (Table Designer)
10.4.6 Definition example of Item window