Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


10.4.3 Inserting objects

This subsection describes how to define the items (objects) that constitute an Item window in Form Designer.

You can insert objects by selecting them from Form Designer's Object menu:

The following shows the Object menu.

Figure 10-11 Object menu


To delete an inserted object, select the object in the editing area, and then press the Delete key.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Types of objects that can be inserted
(2) Setting the style of an object
(3) Setting object attributes

(1) Types of objects that can be inserted

The following types of objects can be inserted:

This subsection describes how to define each type of object.

(a) Textbox

A text box inserts a character string in the window, such as the name of an item to be specified.

The following shows an example of a text box.

Figure 10-12 Example of a text box


From the Object menu, select Textbox. A text box is inserted in the editing area. Specify the desired character string in this text box.

For details about how to set the character style (such as color and font), see (2) Setting the style of an object.

(b) Image

You can insert an image in the window, such as a company logo or an eyecatcher.

The following shows an example of an image.

Figure 10-13 Example of an image


How to insert an image:

  1. From the Object menu, choose Image.
    The Browse User Library dialog box appears.
  2. Click the File/Folder name link to select the file that you wish to insert, and then click the OK button.
    The Browse User Library dialog box closes and the specified image is inserted in the editing area. Adjust the location and size of the image.
    For details about how to set the order of inserted images, see (2) Setting the style of an object.
    For details about how to use the Browse User Library dialog box, see 10.4.2(3) Image.
(c) Hyperlink

You can register a file to be set as a file attachment to the Item or a link to a specific website for referencing.

The following shows an example of a hyperlink.

Figure 10-14 Example of a hyperlink


From the Object menu, choosing Hyperlink inserts Hyperlink in the editing area. In the editing area, specify an applicable character string to the inserted Hyperlink. For details about how to set the character style (such as color and font), see (2) Setting the style of an object.

For details about how to set a URL as a hyperlink, see (3)(g) URL.

(d) Text field and text area

You can insert input fields to enable each worker to enter information in the Item window.

The following shows an example of a text field.

Figure 10-15 Example of a text field


From the Object menu, choosing Text field or Text area inserts a text field or text area in the editing area. If necessary, resize the object in the editing area.

Because values entered in text fields and text areas are registered in the asset management database, you must also set object attributes.

For details about the object attributes required when text fields and text areas are inserted and how to set the object attributes, see (3) Setting object attributes.

(e) Table

You can insert input fields to enable each worker to enter multiple Items in the Item window.

The following shows an example of a table.

Figure 10-16 Example of a table


(f) Pulldown

You can insert an area from which a worker can select an item (drop-down list) in the Item window.

The following shows an example of a pulldown.

Figure 10-17 Example of a pulldown


From the Object menu, choosing Pulldown inserts a drop-down list in the editing area. If necessary, resize the drop-down list.

Because values selected from drop-down lists are registered in the asset management database, you must also set object attributes.

For details about the object attributes required when Pulldown is inserted and how to set the object attributes, see (3) Setting object attributes.

(g) Button

You can insert in the Item window buttons for executing or canceling processing.

The following shows an example of a button.

Figure 10-18 Example of a button


From the Object menu, choosing Button displays an area where you can choose a button. Choosing a desired button inserts it in the editing area.

The figure below shows the area for choosing a button.

Figure 10-19 Area for choosing a button


The five types of buttons that can be inserted in the Item window are those that are used for executing activities defined in Flow Designer and those that are used for common purposes: Complete, Save, Reject, New item, and Close. Note that the Complete button can be used only for the node immediately before the completed activity.

If a button used to execute an activity is to update data in the asset management database when the button is pressed, you must use Activity Designer to define the nature of the processing (activity) to be performed by pressing the button.

If a button is used simply to check the contents and send them to the next worker or for common purposes, there is no need to define an activity.

The following describes the types of buttons that can be inserted:

(h) Defined object

You can insert in an Item an object defined for another node. This feature is used so that the Item window for a subsequent node can inherit items defined with Flow Designer in the Item window for a preceding intermediate node on the Item route.

For example, suppose that an intermediate worker clicked the Browse button to specify a device and then sent it to the next worker. In order to enable the next worker to determine the received device, you must insert a Defined object.

Choosing Defined object from the Object menu and then choosing the management name of the object to be inserted inserts the selected object in the editing area. For the inserted object, you can set the style and attributes in the same manner as for other objects.

(2) Setting the style of an object

For each object inserted from the Object menu, you can set its style, such as a frame line, background color, and type font.

Selecting an object in the editing area displays a style attribute column that contains the styles available to the selected object.

The figure below shows the style attribute column.

Figure 10-20 Style attribute column


Clicking a desired style item displays the available colors or values. Choose an appropriate value, and set the style as required.

The following describes the types of styles that can be set and their values:

(a) Copying style attributes

You can copy a set of style attributes specified for one object to another object. To use a uniform style for the items in the window, set the style, such as background color and font, for one object, copy the style attributes, and then paste them to the other objects. This saves time in setting the style for each item.

To copy and paste a style:

  1. In the editing area, select the object whose style is to be copied, and from the Operation menu, choose Copy attribute.
  2. In the editing area, select the object to which you wish to paste the style, and from the Operation menu, choose Paste attribute.
    The copied style attributes and size are pasted to the object selected in the editing area.
    You can select multiple objects to which you will paste a style.
(b) Setting the display order

To set the display order of an object that has been inserted in the editing area:

  1. In the editing area, select the object whose display order you wish to change, and from the Operation menu, choose Front or Back.
    The selected object moves to the front or back.
    You can select multiple objects.
    Note that display order cannot be set for Pulldown objects.

(3) Setting object attributes

You can define the attributes of each object, such as an appropriate data type, whether it is mandatory, and whether it is to be displayed in the window.

When you select an object in the editing area, the attributes available to the selected object are displayed in the object attribute column.

Clicking a desired attribute displays available values and a dialog box for entering a value.

In the case of a Table object, the Table Designer button is displayed. Click this button to open the definition window (Table Designer) for the selected Table object. For details about Table Designer, see 10.4.5 Defining a table (Table Designer). The table below provides a cross-reference of object types and object attributes that can be set.

Table 10-1 Cross-reference of object types and object attributes

Object type Object attribute
Mn Dt Ml Max Min Iv Rr C URL Rq R-o Nd EI Subject
Textbox N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Image N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Hyperlink N N N N N N N N M N N N N N
Text field M M M#1 M#1 M#1 Y Y#1 N N Y Y Y N Y#1
Text area M M M N N Y N N N Y Y Y N Y
Table M N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N
Pulldown M N N N N Y N M N Y Y Y N N
Button N N N N N N N N N N N N Y#2 N

Mn: Management name
Dt: Data type
Ml: Maximum length
Max: Maximum
Min: Minimum
Iv: Initial value
Rr: Reference range
C: Code
URL: Uniform Resource Locator
Rq: Required
R-o: Read-only
Nd: Non-display
EI: Execution Item
M: Mandatory
Y: Can be set
N: Cannot be set

The attribute may not be supported depending on the specified data type. For details, see (b) Data type.

The attribute can be set only for a New item button.

(a) Management name

When you define an item for entering a value (such as a text field) in the Item window, this attribute sets a management name for the entered value.

The management name set here is used to define the item; it is not the management item for another job menu. Therefore, you can set any name without having to know classes and properties.

To set a management name, select a text field, text area, or drop-down object in the editing area and, then click the Management name specification area. In the displayed dialog box, enter a management name, and then click the OK button.

For text fields and text areas, you can select an object and then directly enter a management name in the editing area.

Processing steps are defined in the Item window with Activity Designer on the basis of the management name specified here.

  • All management names in the Item windows for the same Item must be unique except for objects that have been inherited from the Item creator's Item window or objects that have been inserted as Defined object.
  • In the case of multiple objects with the same management name, you must ensure that they have identical object attributes.
(b) Data type

Data type sets the data type or item specification method for registration into the asset management database.

Data type can be set for Text field, Text area, and Pulldown object types.

The table below provides a cross-reference of data types and applicable object types.

Table 10-2 Cross-reference of data types and object types

Data type Object type
Text field# Text area Pulldown
Arbitrary character string Y Y N
Alphabet Y Y N
Alphanumeric Y Y N
Group reference Y N N
Location reference Y N N
User reference Y N N
Code reference N N Y
File reference Y N N
Device reference Y N N
Browse Packages Y N N
Software name reference Y N N
Software reference Y N N
Numeric Y N N
Date (MMDD) Y N N
Time (HHMM) Y N N

Y: Can be set
N: Cannot be set

The following data types can be set when the object attribute is Subject:
[Figure] Arbitrary character string
[Figure] Alphabet
[Figure] Alphanumeric
[Figure] Date (YYYYMMDD)
[Figure] Date (YYYYMM)
[Figure] Date (MMDD)

For text fields and text areas that are specified directly, set the permitted data type.

For text fields that specify a group, location, user, file, device, package, software name, or software asset, set the data type for specifying applicable information using the Browse button.

The following describes the data types that are specified using the Browse button:

Group reference, Location reference, User reference, and File reference
When any of these types is set, the Browse button appears next to a text field. In the actual Item window, the user can specify applicable information from the dialog box that is displayed when this button is clicked.

Device reference
When this data type is set, the Browse button appears next to a text field. In the actual Item window, the user can search for and specify the applicable device managed by Asset Information Manager from the dialog box that is displayed when this button is clicked.
The figure below shows the procedure for adding a device from the Reference Devices dialog box that is displayed when the Browse button is clicked.

Figure 10-21 Procedure for adding a device from the Reference Devices dialog box

Selecting a desired device from the list of search results in the Selection dialog box and then clicking the OK button adds the device to the Reference Devices dialog box.

Browse Packages
When this data type is set, the Browse button appears next to a text field. In the actual Item window, the user can specify a JP1/Software Distribution package to be distributed from the dialog box that is displayed when this button is clicked.
The figure below shows the Select Package dialog box that is displayed when the Browse button is clicked.

Figure 10-22 Select Package dialog box


Software name reference
When this data type is set, the Browse button appears next to a text field. In the actual Item window, the user can specify a software name from the dialog box that is displayed when this button is clicked.
The figure below shows the Browse Software dialog box that is displayed when the Browse button is clicked.

Figure 10-23 Browse Software dialog box


Software reference
When this data type is set, the Browse button appears next to a text field. In the actual Item window, the user can specify a software asset from the dialog box that is displayed when this button is clicked.
The figure below shows the Reference Software dialog box that is displayed when the Browse button is clicked.

Figure 10-24 Reference Software dialog box


When a software asset is specified in the Item window, the character string Selected appears in the specification field. To check the specified information, click the Browse button. In the displayed Reference Software dialog box, click the link for the asset number to the right of the Search button. The Software Details dialog box appears where you can check the specified software asset.

To check the software asset specified by the previous worker in the Item window, click the Browse button to display the Software Details dialog box, from where you can confirm the specified software asset.

Date (YYYYMMDD), Date (YYYYMM), and Date (MMDD)
When these data types are set, a button for displaying a calendar next to the text field is displayed. A numeric value entered in the field is treated as a date. You can select any of the three date formats.
(c) Maximum length, Maximum and Minimum

These object attributes specify the maximum length for an item that is expressed as a character string, and the maximum and minimum values for an item that is expressed as a numeric value.

A maximum of 1,024 bytes of characters is permitted for Maximum length. The value range permitted for Maximum and Minimum is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

(d) Initial value

Initial value sets an initial value to be displayed in the Item window. The permitted initial value depends on the data type.

For data types Group reference, User reference, Date, and Time, you can set a user group name, user name, date, and time to their initial values when the Item is executed, according to the information displayed in the Item window.

For data type Code reference, you can set the initial value from selections. For other data types, you set a fixed character string.

For a text area, \n in a character string specified as an initial value is regarded as a linefeed.

(e) Reference range

Reference range selects either Reference the range of filtering or Reference all as the range of groups and users to be referenced.

If access is restricted by the organizational hierarchy, this attribute specifies whether the value is to be specifiable from within the restricted range (Reference the range of filtering) or from all organizational hierarchies (Reference all).

This attribute is applicable only to text fields whose data type is Group reference or User reference.

(f) Code

Code defines the selection items (contents of a drop-down list) that are displayed in a drop-down list in the Item window. Selection items in a drop-down list are selected by codes managed in the asset management database. For details about how to add code, see 4.8.1 Adding codes in the manual Administrator's Guide.

To define a selection item to be displayed in a drop-down list:

  1. In the Code specification column, click the Edit button.
    The Edit Code dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Add button.
    The Select Code dialog box appears.
  3. In Managed class, click the link for the class that contains the code to be displayed.
    A list of codes is displayed.
  4. Select the check box for the code that you wish to add, and then click the OK button.
    The Select Code dialog box closes and the specified code is displayed in the Edit Code dialog box.
    To delete a code, select the check box for the code that you wish to delete, and then click the Delete button.
  5. Click the Close button.
    The Edit Code dialog box closes and the specified code is displayed in the Code drop-down list.

The figure below shows the Edit Code dialog box in which codes have been added.

Figure 10-25 Edit Code dialog box


(g) URL

URL sets the target of a hyperlink object.

Two types of targets are available:

(h) Required

Required sets an item whose specification in the Item window is mandatory.

To set a mandatory item, select the object, and then select its check box.

(i) Read-only

Read-only displays the applicable object as read-only in the Item window. Use this attribute when you wish to ensure that information entered by a previous worker will not be changed.

To set an object as read-only, select the object and then select its check box.

(j) Non-display

Non-display hides an object that is required as Item information but that you do not wish to display in an Item window. For example, suppose that the Item execution date is to be registered in the asset management database. If you insert a text field for entering the date, set the execution date as its initial value, and then hide the field. You can register the execution date and the worker can process the Item without having to know about it.

To hide an object, select the object, and then select its check box.

(k) Execution Item

Execution item sets the Item to be displayed by the New item button. This attribute is applicable only to Items whose status is Exhibit.

If this setting is omitted, clicking the New item button displays the New Item Selection dialog box for selecting an Item to be executed. If the set Item is no longer exhibit, clicking this button also displays the New Item Selection dialog box.

(l) Subject

Subject sets the item that is displayed as the subject of the Item in the Inbox, Outbox, and Execution Item Management windows. When multiple Items have the same name, the subject is useful for identifying each Item.

To set the subject, select the object and select the check box.

To display the subject of the Item in the Inbox, Outbox, and Execution Item Management windows:

  1. Click the Customize Managed Items job menu and then in the displayed window, click the managed class VariousInfo link.
  2. In the displayed window, click the managed class ValueText link.
  3. In the displayed window, select the Show check box for the property Incident_Subject.
  4. Click the Update button.

Only the Item applicant can set the subject. If the subject is changed by any other user, the change is not applied to the subject in the Inbox, Outbox, or Execution Item Management window.