Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


6.1.4 Copying the settings file

In order to browse detailed device information from the Network Presenter and node submap of HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier, you must copy the file that contains the settings required for linking to Asset Information Manager into the installation folder of HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier.

If HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier is installed prior to installing Information Viewer, it is not necessary to copy this file. If HP NNM Version 7.5 or earlier is installed after installing Information Viewer, either re-install Information Viewer or copy the settings file to the appropriate folder. To re-install Information Viewer, select Modify from the maintenance window.

The folder that contains the settings file (JP1_AssetInformationManager) and the copy destination folder are shown below:

Network Presenter
  • Copy source folder
  • Copy destination folder
    installation-folder-of-HP-NNM-Version-7.5-or-earlier \OpenView\www\registration\jovw\Japanese_Japan.932

Submap window
  • Copy source folder
  • Copy destination folder
    installation-folder-of-HP-NNM-Version-7.5-or-earlier \registration\Japanese_Japan.932

When either Network Presenter or a submap window is used
You can delete the settings file in order to disable display of device detail information from Network Presenter or submap windows.
The following shows how to prevent display of device detail information by deleting the settings file:
  • Preventing display by Network Presenter
  • Preventing display by submap windows
    installation-folder-of-HP-NNM-Version-7.5-or-earlier \registration\Japanese_Japan.932\JP1_AssetInformationManager

If you copy or delete the Network Presenter or node submap files, you must restart each service. If you do not restart the services, JP1/AIM Information is not displayed in the Administer menu of Network Presenter or node submap.