Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.9.4 Specifying the timing to send notification about impending contract expiration

Using the Notification of invalid contract information task, you can specify the timing to send notification by email about impending expiration of maintenance, lease, and rental contracts.

Specify the notification timing in the format shown below after a file name in Run on the Task tab ([Figure] indicates a space).


Specify this time in months, in the range 1-24.

If nothing is specified, an email notification is issued for all contracts due to expire within two months.

Specification example
This example specifies email notification for contracts due to expire within 12 months (1 year):
"C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "C:\jp1asset\exe\jamexpiration.vbs" MONTH=12
Here, C:\Windows refers to the Windows installation folder, and C:\jp1asset refers to the Asset Information Manager installation folder.