Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.9.3 Specifying the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task

You must enable this task immediately after you set up the asset management server.

When information is updated, the Data maintenance task updates other related information and deletes unnecessary information to maintain data integrity in the asset management database. You can also select for execution only those tasks that are necessary from among the ones that can be executed. For details about how to select the tasks to execute, see (3) Changing the tasks to be executed.

When you execute the Data maintenance task, Hitachi recommends that you stop all Asset Information Manager services, commands, and tasks.

To stop Asset Information Manager services, stop the following services in the order indicated below:

  1. World Wide Web Publishing Service or World Wide Web Publishing
  2. Asset Information Synchronous Service, Asset Information Manager commands, and tasks
  3. JP1/Client Security Control - Manager (when JP1/CSC is linked)

When you use Asset Information Manager after having executed the Data maintenance task, start the services in the reverse order from the order in which they were stopped.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Tasks to be executed in the Data maintenance task
(2) Specifying options
(3) Changing the tasks to be executed
(4) Specification example of the tasks to be executed in the Data maintenance task

(1) Tasks to be executed in the Data maintenance task

Use the Data maintenance task to execute the following procedures:

(2) Specifying options

In the Data maintenance task, you can use an option to specify and execute the processing in the [MAINTE_n] section described in the settings file (taskopt.ini).

To specify an option, display the task properties. On the Task tab, specify the option after the file name in Run.

-s OPT=section-to-be-executed
For the section to be executed, specify a single alphanumeric character (0 to 9 or a to z) to indicate one of the [MAINTE_n] sections described in the taskopt.ini file.). The section name is not case-sensitive.

Specification example
-f "C:\jp1asset\scriptbatch\DataMaintenance.txt" -dp
-s OPT=1
C:\jp1asset indicates the Asset Information Manager installation folder.

(3) Changing the tasks to be executed

To change the task to be executed in the Data maintenance task, describe the task to be changed in the settings file (taskopt.ini). Specify in different sections the tasks to be normally executed and those that are to be executed when options are specified.

The storage destination and the coding method for the settings file are described below.

(4) Specification example of the tasks to be executed in the Data maintenance task

In this example, only the necessary tasks are executed and the task execution interval is changed according to the task content of each task.

The following tasks are to be executed in the Data maintenance task at the intervals described:

taskopt.ini specification:
ASSET_ERASE_DEL               = NO
ASSET_ASSOC_DEL               = NO
VOLUME_ERASE_DEL              = NO
USER_ASSOC_UPD                = NO
GROUP_ASSOC_UPD               = NO
ASSET_ERASE_DEL               = YES

Option specification:
Specifies options for the Data maintenance task as shown below. C:\jp1asset indicates the Asset Information Manager installation folder.
-f "C:\jp1asset\scriptbatch\DataMaintenance.txt" -dp
-s OPT=1
Next, copy the Data maintenance task and specify options as follows.
-f "C:\jp1asset\scriptbatch\DataMaintenance.txt" -dp
-s OPT=2
Makes a change so that the added task is executed once a week. For the procedure for changing the task execution dates and frequency, see 5.9.2 Task setup procedure.