Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


5.9.5 Specifying the timing to delete the license totaling results

The results totaled by the Notice of license excess and Totals number of licenses tasks are saved the number of times specified. Older data is automatically deleted. You can change the number of summation results (the default is 10) to be saved to any arbitrary value.

Specify the number of totaling results to be saved, in the format shown below, after a file name in Run on the Task tab ([Figure] indicates a space).


Specify the number of remaining log information items, in the range 0-120. If 0 is specified, nothing is deleted.

If nothing is specified, everything is deleted but the most recent 10 totals results.

Specification example
This example specifies that all but the most recent totals results are always to be deleted.
"C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe" "C:\jp1asset\exe\jamSoftwareAddUp.vbs" GENERATION=1
Here, C:\Windows refers to the Windows installation folder, and C:\jp1asset refers to the Asset Information Manager installation folder.